1 • s, Ection, Afety – Baja Marine Outlaw 23 User Manual
Page 22: F. g, G. p

23 Outlaw
1 • S
Speed changes you.
f. G
In the event of runnng aground:
• Check for leaks. If water s comng n, stop the ntake
of water before attemptng to get the boat free.
• Inspect for damage to the hull, propulson and
steerng systems.
• Determne f the tde, wnd and current wll drve the
boat harder aground or wll help to free t.
• Determne the water depth all around the boat,
and the type of bottom (sand, mud, rocks, etc.). If
t can be done wthout exposng persons to a rsk
of njury, the boat should be moved away from
hard obstructons, and toward open water wth soft
• Do not attempt to have your boat towed by other than
a traned and competent servce, such as the Coast
guard or a salvage company. Recreatonal craft are
not desgned to tow other recreatonal craft.
G. p
, c
If the drve tran fals, or the controls or steerng do
not respond properly or at all:
• shut off engne.
• Put out the anchor to prevent drftng.
• Determne whether or not you can repar the problem
yourself. see the proper manuals for assstance
n troubleshootng the engne, steerng and engne
• If you are not sure you can fix the problem, or if
condtons are adverse, sgnal for help.
16. s
The safety information in the preceding pages
gives only the general areas of concern for
boating safety. It is not intended to be, nor
can it be, exhaustive. You must take a boating
safety course, and get hands-on instruction in
the proper and safe operation of your boat from
experienced persons before cruising.
The U.s. Coast guard offers many pamphlets on
safety and other nformaton not covered n ths
manual. Contact your local Coast guard unt or call
the toll-free safety hotlnes below for nformaton.
• U.s. Coast guard 1-800-368-5647
• Canadan Coast guard 1-800-267-6687
In other countries, ask your marine dealer for
information on how to contact the national
boating law enforcement agency.
17. i
Ths vessel and ts systems have been constructed
in accordance with standards and specifications in
effect at the tme of manufacture as publshed by
the varous regulatory authortes lsted below.
1. Mnstere De la Mer – France
2. Regstro Italano navale – Italy
3. Det norske Vertas – norway
4. securte des naures – Canada
5. J.C.I. (Japan Craft Inspecton) – Japan
6. n.k.k. (nppon kaj kyoka) – Japan
7. B.s.I. (Brtsh standards Insttute) – England
8. Mnstero Obras Publcas y Transporters – span
9. EC Recreatonal Craft Drectve – European
Further nformaton concernng these requrements
may be obtaned from Baja
Marne Customer
servce: 1-865-971-6270.