1 • s, Ection, Afety – Baja Marine Outlaw 23 User Manual
Page 19: A. s, B. s, Warning

23 Outlaw
1 • S
Speed changes you.
14. W
a. s
• Do not permt anyone to swm from a movng boat,
or a boat wth an engne runnng.
• Many localtes prohbt swmmng from boats except
n desgnated areas.
• Make sure boat's engne s turned off and the stern
drve s fully down before allowng people to swm
anywhere near your boat. shut the engne OFF
and remove the key from the gnton swtch so
that nobody wll accdentally start the engne whle
swmmers are nearby.
• Turn off engne when takng swmmers or skers
aboard or when they are enterng the water. never
permt use of the transom swm platform whle engne
s runnng.
• slow down and look for swmmers or skers when
crusng n an area where there mght be persons n
the water.
b. s
• anyone who water sks must know how to swm.
• never drve the boat drectly behnd a water sker.
at 22 knots (25 m.p.h.), t takes only 5 seconds to
overtake a fallen sker who was 60 meters (200 feet)
n front.
• keep a downed sker n sght and on the operator's
sde of the boat when approachng the sker. never
back up to anyone n the water.
• learn the sgnals to communcate wth a sker. The
sker s to control the boat through hand sgnals. (see
Fgure 1.9.1)
Turn - Arm raised, circle with index finger extended.
Skier in Water - Extend one sk vertcally out of water.
Back to Dock - Pat top of head.
Cut Motor - Draw finger across throat.
Slow Down - Thumb ponted down or palm down, move
hand up and down.
skIIng sIgnals (FIg. 1.9.1)
Shut engine off if an object is struck or if you run
Check for hull leaks and drive line damage, before
restarting engine.
Use hand pump if bilge pumps don't remove water.
Boat very slowly, if you must proceed with a damaged
drive line.
Your boat can kill or injure persons in the water.
Always stay away from areas designated for
swimming or diving. Unless you are towing a skier,
stay away from water ski areas. Recognize markers
used for such areas.
When engine is running, close and lock transom
door and do not permit anyone to use boarding
ladder and swim platform.
Skiers must wear an approved PFD.