Baja Marine Outlaw 23 User Manual
Page 10

23 Outlaw
Information in this publication is based upon the latest product specifications available at printing. Baja
Marne Corporaton reserves the rght to make changes at any tme, wthout notce, n the colors, equpment,
specifications, materials and prices of all models, or to discontinue models. Should changes in production models
be made, Baja
Marine is not obligated to make similar changes or modifications to models sold prior to the date
of such changes.
Owner’s Manual
23 Outlaw
Prnted n the U.s.a. October 2005
© Baja Marne Corporaton • a Brunswck Company
MRP #1810950
Baja Marne Corporaton 2600 sea Ray Blvd., knoxvlle, Tn 37914
For nformaton call 1-865-971-6270 or fax 1-865-971-6716
Internet address:
The followng are regstered trademarks of the Brunswck Corporaton: Baja
& The swoosh logo