1 • s, Ection, Afety – Baja Marine Outlaw 23 User Manual
Page 11: Caution, Warning

23 Outlaw
Speed changes you.
1 • S
SAFE boating means:
• knowng the lmtatons of your boat
• Followng the "Rules of the Road"
• keepng a sharp lookout for people and objects
n the water
• not boatng n water or weather condtons
that are beyond the boat's and the operator's
• never boatng when the operator s under the
influence of drugs or alcohol
• Beng aware of your passenger's safety at all
• Reducng speed when there s lmted vsblty,
rough water, and nearby people n the water,
boats, or structures
Boatng n beautful weather and calm water
condtons can be a wonderful experence.
Pleasurable boatng, however, requres consderably
greater sklls than operatng a land vehcle. To
obtan these sklls, you must:
• Take a Coast guard, U.s. Power squadron
or equvalent boatng safety course. Call the
Boat/U.s. Foundaton at 1-800-336-2628 for
nformaton on avalable courses.
• get hands-on tranng on how to operate your
boat properly.
In addton:
• Mantan your boat and ts safety and other
systems as recommended n ths manual.
• Have the boat inspected by a qualified mechanic
or dealer, at least annually.
• Ensure that the Coast guard requred safety
equpment s on board and functons. (see page
1. s
safety precautons are gven throughout ths
manual and labels are mounted at key locatons
throughout the boat. Ths safety nformaton advses
the owner/operator and passengers of mperatve
safety precautons to follow when operatng and/or
servcng equpment.
• Do not remove or obstruct any safety label.
• Replace any label whch becomes llegble.
Replacement safety labels can be obtaned by
callng your dealer or Baja Marne at 1-865-971-
The meanngs assocated wth each of the four basc
types of labels are:
Information which is important to proper operation
or maintenance, but is not hazard-related.
DANGER - Immediate hazards which WILL result
in severe personal injury or death if the warning
is ignored.
CAUTION - Hazards or unsafe practices which
COULD result in minor or moderate injury if the
warning is ignored.
WARNING - Hazards or unsafe practices which
COULD result in severe personal injury or death
if the warning is ignored.