Other system problems – Toshiba Tekbright 700P User Manual

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If Something Goes Wrong

Other system problems

5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.1

Other system problems

A client machine can no longer access anything.

The client machine may have lost its IP address. Reboot the
client machine and try again.

The Magnia SG20 Administration Web site is difficult to
navigate due to scroll bars.

Check your screen area (a.k.a. screen resolution) and use of
large fonts. For best viewing, set your screen area to at least
800 by 600 pixels. Set it higher if you use large fonts.

To change your screen area and font size in the operating


Click Start, Settings, then Control Panel.

The Control Panel window opens.


Double-click Display.

The Display window opens.


Click the Settings tab.

The Settings tab appears something like the following
depending on your operating system.


Increase your screen area by dragging the slider to the


To reduce your font size, click Advanced….

A new window will appear with a drop list of font size
choices. Choose “Small Fonts” for best results.

How do I install virus detection on my system?

Virus detection software is widely available for your client
computers. The server is merely a portal, and does not
examine, filter, or block the emails passing through it. To
obtain virus protection, install it on your client computers.

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