Backing up your data, Types of backup – Toshiba Tekbright 700P User Manual

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Managing the Server

Backing up your data

5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.1

Backing up your data

NOTE: Backing up data is extremely important to maintain smooth
operations, especially if the Magnia SG20 contains business or
important personal information, such as tax or banking details.
Hardware breakdowns and power outages can occur at any time.
Take the time to back up important files in case of an emergency.

One of the most important features of the Magnia SG20 is the
number of backup options available and the ease with which
you can back up your data. From the Administration Web
site, you can choose the following:

Files to back up

Place to store the files (on your second hard disk drive or
an Internet backup service)

A schedule for when a backup is to occur

HINT: Backing up data and system files uses up valuable space
very rapidly.

The Magnia SG20 provides several built-in methods of
performing backups. You can also perform backups of the
server’s files by accessing them from a client with a
separately purchased backup device, such as a tape drive.

Types of backup

There are three types of backup:

Full backup — All user files and selected system files are
automatically included in full backups.

Incremental backup — Selects only those files that have
changed since the last backup. This can be useful when

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