WIKA CPC6000 User Manual
Page 75

Automated Pressure Calibrator
CPC 6000
Mensor/WIKA Operating Instructions - CPC 6000
8.6.6 Screen Source A Delta
A is displayed on the left and is the leading channel. Delta is displayed on the right and is either A-B
or B-A as selected. Channel B’s reading is displayed where the range information normally appears on
the Delta channel. Channel B is the slave channel. Whenever the A channel is changed, the B channel
setpoint is changed to maintain the differential setpoint displayed on the Delta channel. Whenever the
Delta channel setpoint is changed, the B setpoint is changed as well.
Figure 8.6.6 - Screen Source A Delta
8.6.7 Screen Source Delta B
Delta is displayed on the left and is either A-B or B-A as selected. B is displayed on the right and is the
leading channel. Channel A’s reading is displayed where the range information normally appears on
the Delta channel. Channel A is the slave channel. Whenever the B channel is changed, the A channel
setpoint is changed to maintain the differential setpoint displayed on the Delta channel. Whenever the
Delta channel setpoint is changed, the A setpoint is changed as well.
Figure 8.6.7 - Screen Source Delta B