WIKA CPC6000 User Manual

Page 22

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Automated Pressure Calibrator
CPC 6000


Mensor/WIKA Operating Instructions - CPC 6000

Pressure Ranges

Specific ranges within the range intervals are selected
by the customer.

Optional Barometer Range

11 to 17 psia

Optional Barometer Uncertainty

0.01% of reading with a recommended calibration
interval of 365 days

Measurement Units

psi, inHg@0°C and 60°F, inH2O@4°C, 20°C and 60°F,
ftH2O@4°C, 20°C and 60°F, mTorr, inSW@0°C, ft
SW@0°C, mSW@0°C, ATM, bar, mbar, mmH2O@4°C
and 20°C, cmH2O@4°C and 20°C, MH2O@4°C,
mmH2O@0°C, cmHg@0°C, Torr, hPa, kPa, Pa, Mpa, D/
cm2, G/cm2, Kg/cm2, OSI, PSF, TSF, TSI, mHg@0°C,
%FS and 2 user-defined units. (See also “11.1 - Mea-
surement Units Table” in

Section 11

, Appendix).


4 to 7 significant digits, user selectable.

4.2 Control Specifications for the Pump Regulator Module

External Pressure Requirements:

Source Requirements

Fast Mode: 10% over range of highest pressure
Slow Mode: None.
Note: The difference between the source pressure and
the minimum controlled pressure must be less than
30 psi. Performance can be enhanced with a well-
regulated source pressure.

Exhaust Requirements

Fast Mode: A vacuum source is required for sub-at-
mospheric pressure control.
Slow Mode: None

Stability of Controlled Pressure

Fast and Slow Mode: 0.003% of span of active range,
typically better than 0.001% of span 10 seconds after
displaying stable flag.

Available Sensor Range

Fast Mode: Absolute: 0 to 5 psia to 0 to 30 psia
Gauge: 0 to .36 psig to 0 to 15 psig
Bi-directional: -.18 to +.18 psi to -atm to 15 psig
Slow Mode: Absolute: 0 to 5 psia to 0 to 30 psia
Gauge: 0 to .36 psig to 0 to 15 psig.

Minimum Controlled Pressure

Fast and Slow Mode: 0.05% FS or .05 psi over ex-
haust pressure, whichever is greater. The minimum
control point on absolute ranges is .5 psia.

Pressure Control Rates

Fast Mode: Fast control mode uses the roughing
Slow Mode: Slow mode uses only the pump.