WIKA CPC6000 User Manual

Page 42

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Automated Pressure Calibrator
CPC 6000


Mensor/WIKA Operating Instructions - CPC 6000

6.7 Pump Regulator

Control Limits: The control limits cannot be set outside the maximum or minimum ranges of the
transducers installed on the active channel. To change a limit touch either of the [Limit Value] keys and
enter the new value.

Figure 6.7.1A - Controller Setup, Pump Regulator

Figure 6.7.1B - Control Limits Window

Stable Limits: The stable limit is the percent of span of the active range that the current pressure can
deviate from the setpoint and still display a stable flag.

To change the stable limit or stable delay press the appropriate key. The pop-up number pad will show
the upper and lower limits for the item being edited.

Stable Delay: The stable delay is the number of seconds that the instrument must remain within the
stable window before the stable flag is displayed.

Figure 6.7.1C - Stable Limit Window

Figure 6.7.1D - Stable Delay Window