WIKA CPC6000 User Manual

Page 40

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Automated Pressure Calibrator
CPC 6000


Mensor/WIKA Operating Instructions - CPC 6000

The content of the three active displays are:

[Pressure]: Shows no alternate readings on the screen, only the measured pressure reading.

[Peak]: Displays the highest and lowest pressure points since the last [Reset], or power up. Figure
6.3B shows an example of the Peak feature displayed in this window.

[Rate]: Reports the rate at which the measured pressure is changing in units/second.

[Barometer]: If this optional feature was ordered with your CPC 6000, press this key to display the
atmospheric pressure reading.

[Normal] (mode selection): This mode will allow the user to command the instrument to individual
setpoints manually or remotely.

[Program] (mode selection): This mode will allow the user to define and run user entered program
sequences (Figure 6.4B).

[Default]: Touch this key to immediately reset the instrument to the following conditions:

Autorange ON; a solenoid valve regulator module defaults to low overshoot mode (see 6.6.2 “[Sen-
sor] Setup”).
Step value: Ignore if valid; Set to 1 if out of range
Setpoint: Ignore if valid; Set to 0 if out of range
Restart peak maximum and peak minimum
Set sensor filter to Normal
Set control rate to Maximum
Set maximum allowable control point to match the highest maximum turndown in the instrument
Set minimum allowable control point equal the lowest minimum turndown in the instrument
Set the stable window to 0.003% FS
Set the stable delay to 4 seconds.
Any existing conditions not covered above will be unaffected.

[Status]: Touch this key to display all current channel information including: Model, Software Version,
Serial Number, Range, and Units. See Figure 6.6.1B.

Figure 6.6.1B - Status Screen