WIKA CPC6000 User Manual
Page 73

Automated Pressure Calibrator
CPC 6000
Mensor/WIKA Operating Instructions - CPC 6000
8.5.1 Gauge Pressure Emulation Key
On absolute units set the CPC 6000 for gauge pressure measurement and control by touching [Pres-
sure Units] which will display the Units pop-up window shown in Figure 6.3.6. In the upper right corner
of this window is an [Absolute/Gauge] toggle key. Press [Absolute] to change to [Gauge], then press
[OK]. The operation screen now shows Units [GE] in place of Units [A]. The “GE” indicates that the
measurement and control values are in Gauge Emulation pressure units.
In the Gauge Emulation mode the atmospheric pressure reading from the barometric reference trans-
ducer is subtracted from the absolute pressure reading of the active channel to emulate a gauge pres-
The barometric reference sensor has six significant digits. If a very low pressure gauge sensor is active
and is used in absolute emulation, the combined output may appear quite noisy because of the reso-
lution of the barometric reference.
Emulation mode uncertainty is the combined uncertainty of the barometric reference transducer and
the active transducer.
8.5.2 Absolute Pressure Emulation Key
On gauge units set the CPC 6000 for absolute pressure measurement and control by touching [Pres-
sure Unit] which will display the Units pop-up window. In the upper right corner of this window is an
[Absolute/gauge] toggle key. Press [Gauge] to change to [Absolute], then press [OK]. The operation
screen now shows Units [AE] in place of Units [G]. The “AE” indicates that the measurement and con-
trol values are in absolute emulation pressure units.
In Absolute Emulation mode the atmospheric pressure reading from the Barometric Reference Trans-
ducer is added to the gauge pressure reading of the active channel to emulate absolute pressure.
8.5.3 Calibration
The Barometric Reference Transducer can be calibrated in exactly the same manner as the other in-
stalled sensors as described in
Section 10
, Calibration.
8.5.4 Specifications
Accuracy: 0.01% of reading. Uncertainties include all pressure effects, temperature effects over the
calibrated range and calibration stability for six months after re-zeroing.
Pressure Range: Calibrated from 11 to 17 psia.
Resolution: 6 digits.
8.6 Virtual Delta Channel
8.6.1 Delta Functions
Two virtual delta functions are available: A-B and B-A. The delta functions are strictly a mathematical
difference between the two physical channel readings. There is no pressure connection between the