4 the window menu, 5 the view menu – Triton TargetPro User Manual
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June 2004 TargetPro™ User's Manual
Figure 33. Example TAG270 Audit Trail information window.
5.4 The Window Menu
If you have more than one file open in TargetPro, you can use the Window menu
to position your TargetPro windows in ways you want. The Tile function arranges
your open files in non-overlapping windows, with the active window topmost. The
Cascade function stacks and overlaps your windows in staircase fashion, with
the active window foremost in the stack. If any files are currently open, their
names appear in a list at the bottom of this menu. If your windows are minimized
and randomly distributed around the main display area, Arrange Icons will line up
all your minimized windows along the bottom of the main display area.
5.5 The View Menu
You can use the View menu to determine which TargetPro objects in the
application’s window will be hidden or displayed while you work. You can hide or
Chapter 5: TargetPro Menu