Triton TargetPro User Manual

Page 56

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June 2004 TargetPro™ User's Manual

Figure 22. Geometrical Correction Parameters dialog box

An explanation of the geocorrecting choices available to you in the Geometrical
Correction Parameters dialog box follows in Table 6.


Geometrical correction parameters meanings

Parameter Group

Parameters and Their Meanings

Image Orientation

Ave.Heading Up: The image is displayed in the same
orientation as occurred during the survey, such that the
orientation of the displayed image conforms to the
tracking direction during the survey. This is the TargetPro
default. Your tracking line, relative to the displayed image,
is straight up and down.
North Up: The image is reoriented to display your image
such that north points up, in keeping with the long-
standing convention of maps and charts, where north
traditionally points up.

Overlap Method

Average: TargetPro uses the average value of all pixels
falling within a grid cell.
Minimum: TargetPro uses only the lowest value pixel of
all pixels falling within a grid cell.
Maximum: TargetPro uses only the highest value pixel of
all pixels falling within a grid cell.

Gap Fill Filter

Median: Even after all the samples in the grid have been
geocoded, there still may be a few holes in the grid. A
median gap filter is used to fill them. The default value is
3, and the range is 3-11.

Misc. Filters

Navigation Filter Size: The nav filter parameter (0-9) is
the number of iterations used in the filtering.
Heading Filter Size: This is a single digit in the range 1-9.
The higher the number the stronger the filtering (or
smoothing) of the heading data.

Chapter 4: Object Modification and Classification