Chapter 3: measuring a contact, 1 length, 1 length adjust – Triton TargetPro User Manual

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June 2004 TargetPro™ User's Manual

Chapter 3: Measuring a Contact

You can measure, or mensurate, any part of a displayed contact. After a contact
is mensurated, you can read the values for measured distance in the Target –
Debris fields of the Cursor Status window.

Mensuration occurs in three dimensions: length, width and height. You use
TargetPro’s Measurement Tool icon on the toolbar (shown here at the side of the
page) to get a contact’s measurements. Additional, related icons become
available upon activating this icon.

3.1 Length

Length is the along-track ground distance between the
start and end points of a line drawn by the user, taking
into account the beam’s width (see ‘Beam Width’).

The Measurement Tool’s Object Length function (shown
here at the side of the page) is used to draw the line.

Four secondary aspects of contact measurement are associated with Length:
Length Adjust, Length Rotation, Beam Width and Number of Pings. Fields for
these secondary aspects are found in TargetPro’s Cursor Status Area.

3.1.1 Length Adjust

(L Adj.) is the difference between the length of the line and the along-track
length. Figure 7 shows the relationships.

Chapter 3: Measuring a Contact