3 what file types can targetpro write, 4 what formats are best for exporting – Triton TargetPro User Manual
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June 2004 TargetPro™ User's Manual
• Microsoft Windows Paint (*.PCX files, which support color as well as
black and white)
• Microsoft Windows Bitmap (*.BMP files)
• Microsoft Windows Metafile (*.WMF files)
• Enhanced Metafile (*.EMF files)
1.1.3 What File Types Can TargetPro Write?
TargetPro can write (save) files into many file fortmats:
LEAD (1,8,24); JPEG (8,12,16,24); CALS 1-bit; Cserve PNG (1,8,24);
DICOM DIC (8,16,24); FAX (raw); EPS; EXIF; FPX (8,24); GEM 1-bit; GIF
(1-8); IOCA; MODCA (Raw IOCA); Mac PICT (1,4,8,24); MacPaint 1-bit; MS
FAX (AWD); MS Paint; OS/2 BMP (1,4,8,24); PCX (1,4,8,24); PSD (1,8,24);
SUN Ras (1,4,8,24,32); TGA 8,16,24,32); TIF (1-8,12,16,24,32); Win BMP
(1,4,8,16,24,32); Winfax; WMF (8,24); EMF (8,24); WPG (1,4,8); Win lco
(1,4,8); Win Cur 1-bit.
In the preceding list, the numbers in parentheses are the number of bits
supported for the named formats. Note, however, that TargetPro cannot
save PCM images as PCM images; that format can only be saved in
TargetPro as a non-PCM format file, such as TIFF.
1.1.4 What Formats Are Best for Exporting?
If you’re going to export an image from TargetPro and then use that image
in another application, you may want to save your image in a format that
offers the most support in the application that will receive the imported
image. At present, the best formats for saving TargetPro images to be used
in other applications are (in alphabetical order):
• BMP (24-bit)
• GIF (8-bit, 89a non-interlaced)
• JPG (24-bit progressive)
• PCX (24-bit, version5)
• PSD (24-bit PhotoShop file)
• TIF (24-bit)
The 24-bit formats are the only ones to support exporting the image in color.
All formats other than 24-bit will be in gray scale.
Note: The 24-bit TIF and BMP file formats are lossless. This is desirable,
since lossless formats retain all information even if you later compress or
enlarge the image.
Chapter 1: Overview of the Software