2 the statistics area, 3 the rotation/cropping area – Triton TargetPro User Manual

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June 2004 TargetPro™ User's Manual

mutually exclusive from RGB, which indicates a non-monochromatic image.)
You can deselect or reselect the colors (or Gray) by clicking to put check
marks in the boxes, or you can click in a checked box to remove a check
mark. Your changes will be reflected in the Histogram window.

4.1.2 The Statistics Area

The ELT also keeps track of certain properties for the Preview image and
Original File. These appear in the Statistics area of the ELT. The tracked
properties are: Num Colors, Min Value, Max Value, and Bits.

• Num Colors – These are the number of unique pixel values in the image

• Min Value and Max Value – These are the lowest and highest pixel

values found in the image, respectively.

• Bits – These are the number of bits for all the data in the contact window,

logically ordered together and expressed hexadecimal notation, that
are present in the image. For example:

0x7FF8 = (0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0) binary

0x7F80 = (0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) binary

The most-significant bit (the leftmost bit) is always zero because the data
will always be unsigned. Unused bits are marked with x’s and will normally
be set to zero. When you crop an area of interest in the TargetPro image to
work within the ELT, histograms pertain to just the cropped area.

4.1.3 The Rotation/Cropping Area

This area is at the top of the ELT, just to the right of the Image Preview
window. The Rotation/Cropping area has five slider bars and a check box
for manipulating the previewed image. Numerical values representing the
degree of rotation appear in the fields to the right of the slider bars. The
controls are:

Rotation (slider bar): Use this to rotate the image in the thumbnail

window. Sliding the bar to the right rotates the image clockwise (0 to
180); sliding the bar left rotates it counterclockwise (-1 to -179).

Left (slider bar): Crops the image p pixels at a time from the left; moving

the slider bar to the right increases the number of pixels to be cropped
from the image.

Right (slider bar): Crops the image p pixels at a time from the right;

moving the slider bar to the right increases the number of pixels to be
cropped from the image.

Chapter 4: Object Modification and Classification