English – Merit Medical Embosphere Microspheres Prefilled Syringe IFU-US User Manual

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Embosphere® Microspheres in a Prefilled Syringe - For Embolization

CAUTION: Federal (U.S.A.) law restricts this device to

use by or on the order of a licensed physician.


Embosphere Microspheres are indicated for use in embolization

of arteriovenous malformations, hypervascular tumors, and

symptomatic uterine fibroids.


Uterine fibroid embolization (UFE) is an alternative treatment for

women requiring treatment for relief of symptoms attributed to

uterine fibroids, including heavy menstrual bleeding, pelvic pain

or pressure, and/or urinary dysfunction.


Embosphere Microspheres are part of a family of embolic materials

based on Merit Medical’s proprietary microsphere technology.

These spheres are designed to offer controlled, targeted


Embosphere Microspheres are biocompatible, hydrophilic, non-

resorbable, microspheres produced from an acrylic polymer and

impregnated with porcine gelatin. Embosphere Microspheres are

available in a range of calibrated sphere sizes.


• Embosphere Microspheres are contained in a sterile, 20 cc pre-

filled syringe, packaged in a peel-away pouch.

• Each syringe contains approximately 1.0 mL or 2.0 mL

of Embosphere Microspheres in pyrogen-free, sterile,

physiological saline.

The following contraindications, warnings, precautions, and

instructions for use are organized to present information

applicable to all indications (i.e., hypervascular tumors,

arteriovenous malformations, and uterine fibroids) first, followed

by indication-specific information (i.e., UFE and neurological).


All indications

• Patients intolerant to occlusion procedures

• Vascular anatomy or blood flow that precludes catheter

placement or embolic agent injection

• Presence or likely onset of vasospasm

• Presence or likely onset of hemorrhage

• Presence of severe atheromatous disease

• Presence of feeding arteries smaller than distal branches from

which they emerge

• Presence of collateral vessel pathways potentially endangering

normal territories during embolization

• Presence of arteries supplying the lesion not large enough to

accept Embosphere Microspheres

• Vascular resistance peripheral to the feeding arteries precluding

passage of Embosphere Microspheres into the lesion

• In large diameter arteriovenous shunts (i.e. where the blood

does not pass through an arterial/capillary/venous transition

but directly from an artery to a vein)

• In the pulmonary vasculature

UFE Specific Contraindications

• Pregnant women

• Suspected pelvic inflammatory disease or any other active

pelvic infection

• Any malignancy of the pelvic region

• Endometrial neoplasia or hyperplasia

• Presence of one or more submucosal fibroid(s) with more than

50% growth into the uterine cavity

• Presence of pedunculated serosal fibroid as the dominant


• Fibroids with significant collateral feeding by vessels other than

the uterine arteries

Neurological Specific Contraindications

• Presence of patent extra-to-intracranial anastomoses or shunts

• Presence of end arteries leading directly to cranial nerves

• In any vasculature where Embosphere Microspheres could

pass directly into the internal carotid artery, vertebral artery,

intracranial vasculature or the above listed vessels


All Indications

• Embosphere Microspheres contain gelatin of porcine origin,

and therefore, could cause an immune reaction in patients who

are hypersensitive to collagen or gelatin. Careful consideration

should be given prior to using this product in patients who

are suspected to be allergic to injections containing gelatin


• Studies have shown that Embosphere Microspheres do not

form aggregates, and, as a result, penetrate deeper into the

vasculature as compared to similarly sized PVA particles. Care

must be taken to choose larger sized Embosphere Microspheres

when embolizing arteriovenous malformations with large

shunts to avoid passage of the spheres into the pulmonary or

coronary circulation.

• Some of the Embosphere Microspheres may be slightly outside

of the range, so the physician should be sure to carefully

select the size of Embosphere Microspheres according to the

size of the target vessels at the desired level of occlusion in

the vasculature and after consideration of the arteriovenous

angiographic appearance. Embosphere Microspheres size

should be selected to prevent passage from artery to vein.

• Because of the significant complications of misembolization,

extreme caution should be used for any procedures involving

the extracranial circulation encompassing the head and

neck, and the physician should carefully weigh the potential

benefits of using embolization against the risks and potential

complications of the procedure. These complications can

include blindness, hearing loss, loss of smell, paralysis and


• Serious radiation induced skin injury may occur to the patient

due to long periods of fluoroscopic exposure, large patient

diameter, angled x-ray projections, and multiple image

recording runs or radiographs. Refer to your facility’s clinical

protocol to ensure the proper radiation dose is applied for

each specific type of procedure performed. Physicians should

monitor patients that may be at risk.

• Onset of radiation-induced injury to the patient may be delayed.

Patients should be counseled on potential radiation side effects

and whom they should contact if they show symptoms.

• Pay careful attention for signs of mistargeted embolization.

During injection carefully monitor patient vital signs to include

SAO2 (e.g. hypoxia, CNS changes). Consider terminating the

procedure, investigating for possible shunting, or increasing

microsphere size if any signs of mistargeting occur or patient

symptoms develop.

• Consider upsizing the microspheres if angiographic evidence of

embolization does not quickly appear evident during injection

of the microspheres.

UFE Specific Warnings

Warnings about UFE and Pregnancy

• The effects of UFE on the ability to become pregnant and carry

a fetus to term, and on the development of the fetus, have not

been determined. Therefore, this procedure should only be

performed on women who do not intend future pregnancy.

• Women who become pregnant following UFE may be at

increased risk for postpartum hemorrhage, preterm delivery,

cesarean delivery, and malpresentation.

• Devascularization of the uterine myometrium resulting from

UFE may theoretically put women who become pregnant

following UFE at increased risk of uterine rupture.

Other UFE Warnings

• When using Embosphere Microspheres for uterine fibroid

embolization, do not use microspheres smaller than 500