Volume allocation methods – HP XP Command View Advanced Edition Software User Manual
Page 62

Before allocating volumes, review the available volume allocation methods. This will optimize your
ability to perform volume allocation, and help you understand the Allocate Volumes dialog box.
Volume allocation methods
When you allocate volumes, you can either:
Select resources, such as volumes or hosts, then start the Allocate Volumes dialog box.
Start the Allocate Volumes dialog box without first selecting a resource such as a volume or host.
If you select resources first, the Allocate Volumes dialog box will prompt you for less information.
Note that every volume allocation method involves clicking Allocate Volumes using a button, an Actions
pull-down menu item, or a General Tasks menu item, to start the Allocate Volumes dialog box. The
visible fields in the dialog will vary depending on your allocation method.
Volume allocation methods include:
General tasks
From the Resources or Mobility tab, from General Tasks, click Allocate Volumes. This starts the
allocate volumes dialog screen. Because no resource was selected, you must configure host,
volume, and other volume allocation requirements.
Selecting hosts
From the Resources tab, select one or more hosts, and click Allocate Volumes. The dialog will
display the selected host names instead of prompting.
Selecting volumes
From the Resources tab, select one or more volumes, and click Allocate Volumes. The dialog will
prompt for host name, but will not prompt for volume criteria.
Selecting clustered hosts
Configuring clustered hosts in a logical group helps ensure that volume allocations will be consistent
for all members of the cluster. From the Resources tab, select a logical group, select all host
members of the group, and then click Allocate Volumes. If clustered hosts are not in a logical
group, from General Tasks or Actions, click Allocate Volumes and select multiple hosts. You may
also use the Resources tab to locate clustered hosts, and then Allocate Volumes. The use of logical
groups is recommended to avoid host selection errors.
You can search for volumes meeting specific criteria (such as storage system, specific allocation
status, volume type, drive type, or drive speed, etc.), select one or more volumes from the search
results, and click Allocate Volumes.
You can also search using full or partial text keywords such as storage system name or host name,
and allocate volumes to the selected resource. This eliminates manual navigation to the resource.
Using existing volume settings
From the Resources tab, select an allocated volume that has desired attributes for the new volume
to allocate, and click Allocate Like Volumes.
Managing storage resources in a SAN environment