HP XP Command View Advanced Edition Software User Manual

Page 147

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Select one or more hosts, and click Allocate Volumes.


Allocate volumes with existing virtual ID information, or volumes requiring virtual ID assignments
as follows:


To allocate volumes that belong to resource groups being used for a data migration that
uses virtual IDs, reference the virtual ID information and manually select volumes, and then
click Show Plan.


To assign new virtual IDs to volumes that belong to meta_resource, and then allocate those
volumes to a host, specify volume conditions or manually select volumes whose storage
system resource group ID is 0 (meta_resource), and then click Show Plan. Use Column Settings
to display storage system resource group IDs.


The plan is registered as a task.


When allocating like volumes, you can also allocate volumes for which no virtual IDs are specified,
in the same way as described above.

On the Resources tab, you can select hosts to verify that volumes have been allocated. Volumes for
which no virtual ID is specified will be assigned a new virtual ID. When allocating volumes whose
storage system resource group ID is 0, the volumes will be registered in the same resource group as
the host group.


When unallocating volumes, you can also delete virtual IDs at the same time. To delete virtual IDs,
specify conditions in Advanced Options > Virtual ID Information.

User Guide