HP XP Command View Advanced Edition Software User Manual

Page 115

background image

• The URL for communicating with the Device Manager server:



is the IP address or host name of the Device Manager



is the port number of the Device Manager server



(for non-SSL)


(for SSL)

Setting security options for using Internet Explorer

You can configure Internet Explorer security options for communicating with the Command View AE
Suite server, and for correctly displaying windows when using Internet Explorer.


Start Internet Explorer.


From the Tools menu, select Internet Options.


In the Internet Options dialog box, click the Security tab.


Click Custom Level.


In the Security Settings dialog box, verify that the items in the dialog box are configured as follows:
• Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins is set to Enable.
• Script ActiveX controls marked safe for scripting is set to Enable.
• Launching programs and files in an IFRAME is set to Prompt or Enable.
• Submit nonencrypted form data is set to Prompt or Enable.
• Active scripting is set to Enable.
• File download is set to Enable.
• Allow Web sites to prompt for information using scripted windows is set to Enable.
• If your browser is Internet Explorer 7 or 8, Automatic prompting for file downloads is set to



In the Internet Options dialog box, select the Privacy tab, and then enable cookies.


In the Advanced tab of the Internet Options dialog box, select Warn about certificate address
mismatch and Show pictures.


If the logged-in user does not have administrator permissions and uses Internet Explorer 10, disable
the protected mode.


From the Tools menu, select Manage Add-ons, and enable Shockwave Flash Object.


If Internet Explorer 10 is used in Windows Server 2012, start the server manager. Select in the
sequence of Dashboard, Add roles and features wizard, and Features, and then install Desktop

Note that when using Internet Explorer in Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, or Windows
Server 2012, if the loading animation does not start or if files cannot be downloaded from a server
for which HTTPS is enabled, disable Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration.

If you use Internet Explorer 10, specify the same protected mode for the Internet domain for accessing
Device Manager, and for the Internet domains of other programs cooperative with Device Manager,
and for the Internet domain of the HP site ( If different modes are specified, the
other programs cannot start or the Online Help cannot access the HP site.

User Guide