Display views and their properties, Columns tab – HP Neoview Release 2.4 Software User Manual

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Display Views and Their Properties

To display the view information:


Start the HP Database Manager and log on using any user ID.


Click the Database area.


Select a system in My Active Systems in the navigation tree.


Select a Schema in the navigation tree.


Select the Views tab in the right pane, or open the Views folder and select a view. HPDM
displays the views in this schema.

In the right pane, these tabs appear:

Columns tab

Usage tab

DDL tab

Privileges tab

Columns Tab

To display the column information for a view:


Select a Schema in the navigation tree.


Click the Views tab, or open the Views folder and select a view.


Click the Columns tab in the right pane. The column information is displayed in each column.

In the right pane, these usages are displayed:

Column Name: Name of the column (string).

Source Object: The name of the source object. If it is a computed object, this is blank.
The name is hyperlinked to show that clicking on the source object name navigates you
to the location of the object.


Manage Database Objects