Communicate system messages to users, Learn about the monitoring area, Use the system message tab – HP Neoview Release 2.4 Software User Manual

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The Export buttons are disabled if the table has no data.

Communicate System Messages to Users

If you are an administrator for a Neoview platform, you may need to communicate information
to users of HPDM. For example, this information might include current software configuration
or maintenance notifications.

HPDM provides a location, activated by clicking the System Message tab in Monitoring area

“Select an Area” (page 25)

) where users can obtain the latest information provided by system


Learn About the Monitoring Area

The Monitoring area provides information about the system, such as the system message, as
well as any other system-wide information that is deemed informative to an administrator or
user. When you select the System Message tab in the Monitoring area, the right pane shows
this information. Each aspect of the system that is displayed has its own tab in the right pane.

Use the System Message Tab

The System Message tab contains a system message control to convey information to users. The
system message can be updated by a special role of user called a Publisher. The list of publishers
is fixed and is comprised of:



Any of these users can modify a system message. All other users can only view messages.

The system message is updated by a publisher and is comprised of the message body and the
time of its last update. The message body is a text area The text area supports cut, copy, paste,
undo and redo capabilities that are accessible through keyboard shortcuts and a context menu
that appears when the text area is right-clicked.

This figure shows a system message and context menu:


Perform Basic HPDM Operations