Compatible flashcopy, Cautions, 3dc multi target configuration – HP XP P9500 Storage User Manual

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Compatible FlashCopy

Cnt Ac-J Z P-VOLs can be shared with Compatible FlashCopy (FC Z) S-VOLs and T-VOLs.
To create the relationship with FC Z, specify the following options:






Cnt Ac-J Z copy rate may lower when FC Z copy processing takes place. The impact of FC Z
operations on the Cnt Ac-J Z pair can be increased or decreased depending on Cnt Ac-J Z
copy range and copy pace, and the order of FC Z copy processing.

Data that FC Z copies to Cnt Ac-J Z P-VOLs are transferred to Cnt Ac-J Z S-VOLs asynchronously.
Cnt Ac-J Z displays the progress of this asynchronous data transfer. Depending on the timing
of the FC Z and Cnt Ac-J Z copy operations, a time delay may occur between the FC Z copy
operation and the Cnt Ac-J Z copy operation, and the Cnt Ac-J Z asynchronous data transfer
may progress slowly

The time stamp function cannot be used while an FC Z copy operation is being performed.

The FC Z relationship can be created in the status under which the Cnt Ac-J Z initial copy
operation can be performed. If the P-VOL of the Cnt Ac-J Z pair with Duplex or Pending Duplex
status is assigned to the T-VOL of the FC Z relationship, the Cnt Ac-J Z initial copy operation
is performed. However, if the FC Z relationship is created in the status under which the Cnt
Ac-J Z initial copy operation cannot be performed, the Cnt Ac-J Z pair may be suspended.
The initial copy operation cannot be performed in the following statuses:

Both MCU cache and RCU cache are blocked.

Shared memory is blocked.

M-R path is blocked.

LDEVs are blocked.

RCU does not support FC Z.

If the P-VOL of the Cnt Ac-J Z pair in the status of Duplex or the Pending Duplex is assigned
to the T-VOL of the relationship of FC Z, the data on FC Z is copied to the P-VOL of Cnt Ac-J
Z. When the data copy operation to the Cnt Ac-J Z P-VOL is completed, the initial copy
operation to the Cnt Ac-J Z S-VOL will be started. Then, the information about the Cnt Ac-J Z
pair under which the initial copy operation is started will be displayed in the History window.
Until the initial copy operation will be finished the Cnt Ac-J Z pair stays the Pending Duplex
status. However, if the T-VOL of the FC Z relationship is assigned to the Cnt Ac-J Z P-VOL in
the Pending Duplex status, the another initial copy operation which is already being processed
is started. Therefore, the information about which the initial copy operation is started may be
displayed in the History window. When the FC Z data has been copied to the Cnt Ac-J Z
S-VOL by this copy operation, the information about the completion of initial copy operation
are displayed in the History window.

3DC multi target configuration

When sharing an FC Z T-VOL with the P-VOL for a 3DC multi target configuration, before performing
the FC Z copy operation, you must suspend one of the 3DC pairs. In this case, use the following

Suspend the Cnt Ac-J Z or Cnt Ac-S Z pair.


Perform the FC Z copy operation from the S-VOL to the T-VOL.


Sharing volumes