Replication sets – HP Storage Mirroring V5.1 Software User Manual
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Replication Sets
A replication set defines the data on a source machine that Storage
Mirroring protects. Replication sets are defined by volumes,
directories, files, or wild card combinations. Creating multiple
replication sets allows you to customize sets of data that need to be
When a replication set is created, a series of rules are defined that identify the volumes, directories,
files, and/or wild card combinations that will be replicated to the target. Each rule includes:
Path—The path including volume, drive, directory, file, and/or wild card
Include—If the specified path is to be included in the files sent to the target
Exclude—If the specified path is not to be included in the files sent to the target
Recursive—If the rule should automatically be applied to the subdirectories of the specified path
For example, a replication set rule might be
volume\directory\* inc, rec
This specifies that all files contained in the volume\directory path are included in the replication set.
Because recursion is set, all files and subdirectories under volume\directory are also included. A
complete replication set becomes a list of replication set rules.
Replication sets offer flexibility tailoring Storage Mirroring to your environment. For example, multiple
replication sets can be created and saved for a source to define a unique network configuration. There
may be three replication sets - Critical Data, User Data, and Offsite Data. Critical Data could be
configured to replicate, in real-time, to an onsite high-availability server. Offsite Data is replicated
across a WAN and, therefore, is configured to queue changes until a sufficient amount of data is
changed to justify transmission. At that point, the connection is made and stays active until all the
data is transmitted. User Data is not replicated throughout the day, but a nightly changed file mirror
copies only blocks of data that are different between the source and target server prior to a nightly
tape backup operation being run on the target server. Each of these replication sets can be automated
to transmit as needed, thus protecting your entire environment.
Keep in mind the following notes when creating and working with replication sets and connections.
Replication set rules are limited in length meaning that the entire volume\directory\filename
including slashes, spaces, periods, extensions, cannot exceed 259 characters.
Storage Mirroring can mirror, replicate, verify, and restore paths up to 32,760 characters,
although each individual component (file or directory name) is limited to 259 characters.
Paths longer than 32,760 characters will be skipped and logged to the Storage Mirroring log
file and the Windows Event Viewer.
Do not name replication sets or select a target location using illegal characters. Illegal
characters include the following.
If your source contains both a long file name and a separate file with the corresponding 8.3
file name, the files must be kept in two different locations on the source. This is because the
operating system, not an application, controls the conversion from long file names to 8.3 file
names. If the files are stored together in the same location on the source, the potential exists
for the wrong file to get updated on the target.
Error checking and avoidance
Do not connect more than one replication set to the same location on a target. You could
overwrite or corrupt your data.
period .
question mark ?
forward or backward angle bracket < >
colon :
quotation mark "
forward or backward slash \ /
asterisk * pipe or vertical bar |