Files). see also, Physical file name – HP NonStop G-Series User Manual

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HP NonStop Storage Management Foundation User's Guide523562-008



knowledgeable. A system operating with software release D42 or higher is

“knowledgeable” of SMF. Only applications running on knowledgeable systems can
access files on virtual disks.

location-independent naming. The naming of files so that their names do not include or

specify their physical location.

logical file name. A file name whose volume component is a virtual disk. See also




logical temporary file. A temporary file (the file name beginning with “#”) created on a

virtual disk. The volume component of its file name is that virtual disk.

logically named file. A file whose volume component is a virtual disk process.

non knowledgeable. A system operating with software released earlier than D42 is “non

knowledgeable” of SMF. Applications running on any non knowledgeable systems that
attempt to access files on virtual disks receive the error 5001, REQUEST REJECTED:

PENDOPS table. Named for pending operations, this table is used by SMF processes to

catalog operations as they are happening. In the event of one or more process or
system failures, the PENDOPS table indicates that the operation is “in flight,” and the
information contained in the table is used to recover or abort the operation.

physical file name. The internal name by which a file is known to DP2. For a direct file, this

is the same as the file name. For a file name-managed by SMF, the physical file name
is on a subvolume beginning with ZYS (for logically named files) or ZYT (for logical
templates). See also

internal file name


physical volume. A disk volume managed by DP2.

PHYSVOL option. A physical volume name optionally specified when a logical file is

created or moved, notifying SMF to create the file on that volume (for example, through
a FUP RELOCATE operation).

pool. A collection of physical volumes. Also known as storage pool.

pool process. The SMF process that manages a storage pool. It has the same name as

that storage pool.

quarantine. A command to SMF stating that no logically named files should be placed on a

particular physical volume unless that volume has been specified by a PHYSVOL
specifier option in a CREATE or RELOCATE request.

release version update (RVU). A collection of compatible revisions of HP NonStop Kernel

operating system software products, identified by an RVU ID and shipped and
supported as a unit. An RVU consists of the object modules, supporting files, and