A) by right-clicking – Yokogawa FieldMate User Manual

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<4 START-UP FROM FieldMate>


IM 01R01A11-01EN


From “Verification Data” in “Device

Maintenance Info”


When Verification Tool is started from “Device Maintenance Info”, it will be in “offline” mode even

if the AXF is in “online” mode in FieldMate.

From the “Verification Data” tab in “Device Maintenance Info”, “Verification Tool” can be started

by either method (A) or (B). Select the target (AXF) icon and click the “Open Device Maintenance

Info” icon. The “Device Maintenance Info” screen appeares.

Figure 4.3.1 “Device Maintenance Info” Icon

(A) By right-clicking

Select the “Verification Data” tab on the “Device Maintenance Info” screen. Right-click on the

verification data listed on the “Verification Data” tab under “Device Maintenance Info, and select

“View”. Verification Tool is started up and the selected verification data is loaded.

Figure 4.3.2 Start-up from “Verification Data” in “Device Maintenance Info” by Right-clicking