Prompt index – Watlow Series 96 User Manual

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Wa t l o w S e r i e s 9 6

A p p e n d i x

A . 1 0

Prompt Index

[1``1] Output Calibration 1, 1V
[1``4] Output Calibration 1, 4mA
[1`10] Output Calibration 1, 10V
[1`20] Output Calibration 1, 20mA
[2``1] Output Calibration 2, 1V
[2``4] Output Calibration 2, 4mA
[2`10] Output Calibration 2, 10V
[2`20] Output Calibration 2, 20mA
[4``1] Output Calibration 4, 1V
[4``4] Output Calibration 4, 4mA
[4`10] Output Calibration 4, 10V
[4`20] Output Calibration 4, 20mA

[A`0u] Process Calibration 1, 0V
[A2hi] Alarm 2 High 6.6
[A2lo] Alarm 2 Low 6.6
[A3hi] Alarm 3 High 6.7
[A3lo] Alarm 3 Low 6.6
[a`4a] Process Calibration 1, 4mA
[A4hi] Alarm 4 High 6.7
[A4lo] Alarm 4 Low 6.7
[A10u] Process Calibration 1, 10V
[A20a] Process Calibration 1, 20mA
[ACAL] Analog Output Offset 6.16
[Acnt] Ambient A-D Counts 6.22
[Addr] Address 6.16
[A`hi] Analog Output High 6.15
[Ahy2] Alarm Hysteresis 2 6.12
[Ahy3] Alarm Hysteresis 3 6.13
[Ahy4] Alarm Hysteresis 4 6.14
[Alm] Alarm Menu 6.6-6.7
[A`Lo] Analog Output Low 6.15
[A-m] Auto-Manual Operation Mode 6.2
[Amb] Ambient Temperature 6.22
[Anu2] Alarm Annunciation 2 6.12
[Anu3] Alarm Annunciation 3 6.14
[Anu4] Alarm Annunciation 4 6.15
[Aout] Analog Output 4 6.15
[AtSP] Auto-tune Set Point 6.3
[Aty2] Alarm 2 Type 6.11
[Aty3] Alarm 3 Type 6.13
[Aty4] Alarm 4 Type 6.14
[`Aut] Auto-tune 6.2
[Absp] Abort Set Point 6.11

[b`0u] Process Calibration 2, 0V
[b`4a] Process Calibration 2, 4mA
[b10u] Process Calibration 2, 10V
[b20a] Process Calibration 2, 20mA
[baUd] Baud Rate 6.16
[brs1] Burst 1 6.4
[brs2] Burst 2 6.5

[`Cal] Calibration Menu Lock 6.20
[Cal1] Calibration Offset 6.3
[Cal2] Calibration Offset 2 6.10
[cin1] Calibration 1 Menu 6.22
[cin2] Calibration 2 Menu
[`C-f] °C or °F 6.16
[cnt1] Channel 1 A-D Counts 6.22
[cnt2] Channel 2 A-D Counts 6.22
[cout] Process Output Calibration Menu
[Ct`1] Cycle Time 1 6.4
[Ct`2] Cycle Time 2 6.5
[CUst] Custom Menu 6.18-6.19
[CUSt] Custom Menu Lock 6.19

NOTE: Complete information on
calibration prompts are explained at
Watlow’s web site,http://www.watlow.
com/literature/prodtechinfo. Search on
96 calibration manual

[date] Date of Manufacture 6.20
[db`1] Dead Band 1 6.4
[db`2] Dead Band 2 6.6
[de`1] Derivative 1 6.4
[de`2] Derivative 2 6.5
[deC1] Decimal 1 6.9
[dfLt] Default Settings 6.22
[dIag] Diagnostics Menu 6.20-6.22
[disp] Test Display 6.21

[E`cn] Event Condition 6.11
[E`Fn] Event Function 6.10
[`Err] Input Error Latching 6.16
[`end] End Step Menu 7.4
[`end] End 7.4
[E`Sp] Event Set Point 6.3
[E`St] Event Input Status 6.2
[Eunt] Event Outputs 7.1
Eout] Event Outputs 7.2, 7.3

[faIl] Failure Mode 6.16
[file] File 7.1
[Fcty] Factory Page menus 6.18-6.22
[ftr1] Input Software Filter 1 6.9

[glbl] Global Menu 6.16-6.17
[`gnd] Set Ground

[Hour] Hour 7.2, 7.3
[hres] High Resolution 6.21
[hys1] Hysteresis 1 6.4
[hys2] Hysteresis 2 6.6

[In`1] Input 1 6.8
[In`2] Input 2 6.9
[Inp1] Input 1 Menu 6.8-6.9
[Inp2] Input 2 Menu 6.9-6.11
[It`1] Integral 1 6.3
[It`2] Integral 2 6.5
[Ity2] Input 2 Hardware Enabled 6.21
[``JC] Jump Count 7.4
[``JF] Jump File 7.4
[``JL] Jump Loop Menu 7.4
[``JS] Jump Step 7.4

[L9c2] Alarm Logic 2 6.12
[L9c3] Alarm Logic 3 6.14
[L9c4] Alarm Logic 4 6.15
[Lat2] Latching 2 6.12
[Lat3] Latching 3 6.13
[Lat4] Latching 4 6.14
[lead] Lead Resistance Calibration
[Line] Line Frequency 6.22
[`LOC] Lockout Menu 6.19-6.20
[`L-r] Local or Remote Mode 6.3

[Man] Manual Default Power 6.16
[Mdl] Model Number 6.20
[min] Minutes 7.2, 7.3
[Mon] Monitor Menu 6.2

[Oper] Operations Page menus 6.2-6.7
[Oper] Operations Page Mode Lock 6.19
[Oplp] Open Loop Detect 6.17
[Oty1] Output 1 Hardware 6.21
[Oty2] Output 2 Hardware 6.21
[Oty3] Output 3 Hardware 6.21
[Oty4] Output 4 Hardware 6.21
[Ot`1] Output 1 6.11
[Ot`2] Output 2 6.11
[Ot`3] Output 3 6.13

[Ot`4] Output 4 6.14
[Out1] Output 1 Menu 6.11
[Out2] Output 2 Menu 6.11-6.12
[Out3] Output 3 Menu 6.13-6.14
[Out4] Output 4 Menu 6.14-6.16

[``p1] to [`P16] Custom Prompt number (1-16)


[Pb`1] Propband 1 6.3
[Pb`2] Propband 2 6.5
[Pcnt] Percent Output 6.2
[Pid1] PID 1 Menu 6.3-6.4
[Pid2] PID 2 Menu 6.5-6.6
[Plsp] Power Limit Set Point 6.17
[Pl`a] High Power Limit Above 6.17
[Pl`b] High Power Limit Below 6.17
[Pr2`] Process 2 6.2
[Prc1] Process 1 Type 6.11
[Prc2] Process 2 Type 6.11
[Prc4] Process 4 Type 6.15
[Ptyp] Program Type 6.17
[Pr0g] Program Lock 6.20

[r`15] RTD Calibration, 15

[r380] RTD Calibration, 380

[rate] Rate 7.2
[rate] Ramp Rate 6.17
[ra`1] Rate 1 6.4
[ra`2] Rate 2 6.5
[re`1] Reset 1 6.3
[re`2] Reset 2 6.5
[`reu] Software Revision 6.21
[rh`1] Range High 1 6.9
[rh`2] Range High 2 6.10
[rl`1] Range Low 1 6.9
[rl`2] Range Low 2 6.10
[``rP] Ramping Mode 6.17
[rp`S] Ramp Scale 6.17
[rPSP] Ramping Set Point 6.2
[`rst] Restore Factory Calibration 6.22

[`SeC] Seconds 7.2, 7.3
[sen1] Sensor Type 1 6.8
[`Set] Setup Page menus 6.8-6.17
[`Set] Setup Page Lock 6.20
[Sid2] Alarm Active Sides 2 6.12
[Sid3] Alarm Active Sides 3 6.13
[Sid4] Alarm Active Sides 4 6.15
[SIL2] Silencing 2 6.12
[SIL3] Silencing 3 6.13
[SIl4] Silencing 4 6.15
[`Sn1] Serial Number 1 6.20
[`Sn2] Serial Number 2 6.20
[soaH] Soak Step menu 7.3
[Soft] Software ID Number 6.20
[`SP2] Set Point 2 6.3
[``sp] Set Point Lock 6.19
[``sp] Set Point 7.2
[step] Step 7.1
[stpt] Set Point Step menu 7.2
[styp] Step Type 7.1

[tc00] Thermocouple Calibration, 0mV
[tc32] Thermocouple Calibration, 32mV
[tc50] Thermocouple Calibration, 50mV
[tout] Test Output 6.21
[tSHt] Troubleshooting 6.22

[Unit] Units Type 6.16
[User] User Menu 6.2-6.3
[wde] Wait-for Deviation Value 7.3
[`we] Wait-for Event Input 7.3