Setup page / input 2 menu – Watlow Series 96 User Manual

Page 40

background image

Active if input 2 hardware is pre-

sent (96 _1 _-_ _ _ _ -_ _ _ _)
and Input 2 (Input 2 Menu) is
set to

[E`In] (Event Input)

and Setup Page Lock (Lockout
Menu) is not set to



[`we], [paus], [fil1],

[fil2], [hold], and [Absp]
are added if ramping version of
the controller is selected


[``SP] and [A-M] are re-
moved if ramping version of
the controller is selected

1060 r/w

[nonE] (0)

[none] no function (0)
[``SP] switch to event

set point (1)**

[AOFF] turn off control

outputs and disable
alarms (2)

[COFF] turn off control

outputs (3)

[`LOC] lock out key

board (4)

[A-M] switch to man-

ual mode (5)**

[tune] initiate an

auto-tune (6)

[``AL] clear alarm (7)
[SLOC] lock out every-

thing except primary
set point (auto or
manual). If selected
and if a profile is not
running (non-ramping
mode) will lock the
user out of all param-
eters except set point
and event outputs. (8)

[`we] wait-for event

input (9)*

[paus] pause (10)*
[fil1] profile 1 (11) *
[fil2] profile 2 (12) *
[hold] hold (13)*
[Absp] abort set point


[E`Fn] Event Function

Select the event

Active if input 2 hardware is pre-

sent (96 _1 _-_ _ _ _ -_ _ _ _),

[In`2] is not set to

[E`In] or [`OFF] and Setup
Page Lock (Lockout Menu) is
not set to


615 r/w


-1999 to 9999

[CAL2] Calibration Offset


Set the input calibra-
tion offset. This al-
lows you to compen-
sate for lead resis-
tance, sensor errors
and other factors.

Active if input 2 hardware is pre-

sent (96 _1 _-_ _ _ _ -_ _ _ _),

[In`2] is not set to

[E`In] or [`OFF] and Setup
Page Lock (Lockout Menu) is
not set to


613 r/w


[`rL2] Range Low 2 to


[rh`2] Range High 2**

Set the input range
high. This setting is
the value


will read when Input
2 is at its high

Active if input 2 hardware is pre-

sent (96 _1 _-_ _ _ _ -_ _ _ _)

[In`2] is not set to

[E`In] or [`OFF] and Setup
Page Lock (Lockout Menu) is
not set to


612 r/w


-1999 to

[`rh2] Range

High 2

[rL`2] Range Low 2**

Set the input range
low. This setting is
the value


will read when Input
2 is at its low range.






Conditions for

(Modbus Value)


Parameters to Appear


6 . 1 0

P a r a m e t e r s

Wa t l o w S e r i e s 9 6

*These parameters are added if the ramping software option has been ordered (96 _ _ - _ _ _ _ - AA _ _ ) .

**These parameters are removed if the ramping software option has been ordered (96 _ _ - _ _ _ _ - AA _ _ ) .

NOTE: For more information about how parameter settings affect the controller’s operation, see Chapter Five, Features.

Setup Page / Input 2 Menu