Jump-loops – Watlow Series 96 User Manual
Page 58
NOTE: For more information about how parameter settings affect the controller’s operation, see Chapter Five, Features.
The Series 96 can jump forward or backwards at any step. You cannot jump-loop to the step that you are on.
7 . 6
R a m p i n g
Wa t l o w S e r i e s 9 6
Step 1
[StPt] Set Point Step
Step 2
[StPt] Set Point Step
Step 3
[SoaH] Soak Step
Step 4
[StPt] Set Point Step
Step 5
[``jl] Jump-loop
[``jf] = 1 [``js] = 2
[``jC] = 1
Step 6
[`end] End
In this example the program will execute steps 2 through 4 a total of 2 times. This includes the initial pass
and the pass associated with the Jump Count of 1 [jC`1]. Following the second pass the
End step
(Step 6) will be executed and the program will end.
Jump Count can be any number from 0 to 255. If you enter 0, this will be an infinite loop and
never progresses to Step 6.
Jump File is not set to the current program file, the profile may jump to any step of the other
There are two wait-for functions. The first is
Wait-for Event. The profile will wait-for the
programmed event input condition to occur. The
desired event condition is programmed by the
parameter. If the
parameter is set to
the function will be ignored.
The second wait-for function is
Process Deviation Value. If a value is entered for
this prompt, the profile will wait at this step until
the desired process value is equal to or within the
Wait-for Process Deviation Value band. Even
though only one numeric number is programmed to
wait-for, this absolute number represents both a
positive and negative window around the desired
process value.
Both wait-for functions (if enabled) must be satisfied
before the time entered in the
[sOaH] Soak
step will
begin to decrement. Once the wait-for condition has
been satisfied, the soak step time will continue to
decrement regardless of event input or process
changes during the remainder of the profile step.
In addition to being able to set the event input as a
Wait-for Event, the event input can also be
programmed to pause a running profile, start a
profile, hold a profile, or abort a profile.
If the event input is set to
Pause a profile,
satisfying the event input condition will toggle the
profile between hold and resume.
If the event input is set to
Hold, the profile
will end when the event input condition is satisfied.
The controller will return to the non-ramping mode
and will continue to control the outputs by holding
the last active profile step set point and event
output settings.
If the event input is set to
, Profile 1
or Profile 2, the control will begin running the
designated profile number selected when the event
input condition has been satisfied if a profile is not
currently running. This will begin at step 1.
If the event input is set to
Abort Set Point,
the profile will end when the event input condition
is satisfied. The controller will return to the non-
ramping mode and continue to operate by using the
set point value programmed at the
parameter. The event output settings will remain in
the same state as the profile step settings when the
profile was aborted.
The Wait-for Functions of the Soak Step
Event Input Functions