Watlow MINICHEF Deep Fat Fryer Application User Manual

Page 60

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Wa t l o w M i n i C h e f 2 0 0 0

A p p l i c a t i o n 1 5

Auto-tuning Note:

Before auto-tuning Application 15, [teNp1] in the operations menu must first be set to
a value that is typical of your application. (See Hardware & Software Setup Guide for
information on programming menus.) Then set [tHerl] / [tunE1] to [```on]. After
you accept [```on], by pressing “Enter,” the controller will display [`tunE] while
auto-tuning is taking place.

The controller will cancel the auto-tuning process if it cannot be completed in 80 min-
utes. You can cancel the auto-tuning process at any time by pressing either key C or key
D and accepting [``Off], by pressing “Enter,” when it appears.