8 intel® amt driver and application, 1 intel® management engine components installation, Ntel – IEI Integration KINO-AQ670 User Manual

Page 131: River and, Pplication

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P a g e 117

6.8 In te l® AMT Drive r a n d Ap p lic a tio n

6.8.1 In te l® Ma n a g e m e n t En g in e Co m p o n e n ts In s ta lla tio n

The package of the Intel® ME components includes

 Intel® Management Engine Interface (Intel® ME Interface)

 Serial Over LAN (SOL) driver

 Local Manageability Service (LMS)

 User Notification Service (UNS)

 Intel® ME WMI provider

 Intel® Active Management Technology NAC Posture Plug-in

 Intel Control Center

 Intel® Management and Security Status Application

To install these Intel® ME components, please do the following.

S te p 1:

Access the driver list. (See Section 6.2)

S te p 2:

Click “iAMT”.

S te p 3:

Double click the setup file in the ME_SW_IS folder.

S te p 4:

Locate the setup file and double click it.

S te p 5:

When the setup files are completely extracted the Welcome Screen in Figure

6-28 appears.

S te p 6:

Click Next to continue.