IAI America IX-NNN1805 User Manual
Page 20

1. Name of Each Part
is 3
ertical ax
e bel low s> Wiring du ct A LM (indica tion) Bellow s (upper ) A xi s 3 (v ertical ax is) Cov er (arm 2) A rm 2 Mechani cal stop per for ax is 3 e bel low s> A xi s 4 (rota tional ax is) Bellow s (low er) Re fe re nc e s u rf ac e Front p anel (Ba se) A rm 1 Mechani cal stop per for arm 1 Panel Mechani cal stop per for arm 2 A xi s 1 A xi s 2 Cov er (base) Same on oppo site side User conne ctor Spacer for user part installa tion M cabl e (ou tside ro bot) Ref erenc e sur face User pi ping 3, w hite User pi ping 3, bla ck User pi ping 3, w h ite PG cable (ou tsi de r obot) U cable (ou tside ro bot) User pi ping 3, bla ck Rear panel (ba se) Quick j o int for suction 6
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