A. network considerations, Bcsdc considerations, Appendix a – AT&T AUDIX Networking 585-300-903 User Manual
Page 223

A. Network Considerations
This appendix is targeted for the Business Communications Systems Design Center (BCSDC). Appendix
B, Sales Engineering Notes, contains the information that must be completed by the account team and sent
to the BCSDC. Every AUDIX Networking installation must be engineered by the BCSDC.
The information in this appendix may also be useful to the AUDIX Networking coordinator.
The worksheet provided in this appendix should help the coordinator with equipment
assignments and extension numbers.
The BCSDC should consider the following:
AUDIX and Switch Equipment: See Chapters 1 through 7 for AUDIX system and switch requirements
for each particular setup.
Disk Drive Capacities: When an AUDIX system is networked with another AUDIX system, additional
demands may be placed on the storage devices. Each AUDIX system is not only asked to store the
names, profiles, and messages of its local subscribers, but also the names, profiles, and messages from
remote subscribers.
Also, whenever a message is addressed to a remote subscriber, the message is placed in a queue until it
can be sent to the remote machine. If the transmission interval is set to deliver remote messages only
once or twice a day, the queue area of a particular machine may be asked to store up to 150 messages.
Once this limit is reached, a connection to that machine is attempted in order to transmit the messages
in queue.
Trunking: AUDIX R1V6 or later software can support up to six network calls at one time (provided the
system has a TN539 vintage 7 or a TN539B ACCE). However, an AUDIX R1V6 or later system
connected to a System 75, System 75 XE, DEFINITY Generic 1 or Generic 3, or MERLIN II network
can only support four simultaneous calls (two DCP and two RS-232) if the AUDIX system has a
TN539 vintage 7 or TN539B with six ports.
AUDIX R1V5 systems can support four simultaneous calls no matter what switch is used, provided the
system has the TN539 or TN539B with six ports (with MERLIN II networking this is assuming two
RS-232 ports and two DCP ports).
With that in mind, new trunk circuits may or may not be required between switches in the network.
AUDIX system traffic may be able to share existing trunk circuits with other types of inter-node traffic.
AUDIX network traffic is determined by the following:
— The configuration of the network (see Figure A-1, Trunking Requirements in an AUDIX Network).
— Does the customer intend on using AUDIX system remote updates feature? If so, and this is
generally the case, only a slight additional load is placed on the networking links once the initial
exchange of subscriber data is made.