Local networking – AT&T AUDIX Networking 585-300-903 User Manual
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Although a total of six network channels are available on an AUDIX system, the AUDIX
R1V3, R1V4, and R1V5 software limit the number of simultaneously active channels to
four. To use all six channels simultaneously, an AUDIX system must have R1V6 or later
software and a vintage 7 TN539 or a TN539B ACCE.
Switched DCP: AUDIX systems communicate through dial-up DCP connections at the switch.
Communication between systems can be via digital or analog facilities. DCP modes 1, 2, and 3 are
supported. Channels connected in this manner can be shared with other systems for networking and for
other AUDIX system applications. This connection requires AUDIX R1V3 or later software and an
ACC (TN366 or TN366B) or ACCE (TN539 or TN539B) circuit pack.
If the customer’s switch does not support the DCP interface, an AT&T DCP switch can
be used to provide this interface. For local networking, this is usually done with a
II Communications System. (Remote networking with MERLIN II is not
The TN539 or TN539B ACCE circuit pack provides two RS-232 channels and four DCP channels. Both
types are two-way communications links. The type or types of connections used depend on the location
and number of AUDIX systems involved, the type of switch(es) involved, networking facilities, and
whether or not the customer wants to use the Text Services Interface and/or Call Detail Recording
In a local network setup, one or more AUDIX systems work with a single switch. The local system can be
networked with up to 100 other remote AUDIX adjuncts. In this setup, the local system is the one to which
the administration terminal the system administrator is using is connected; all other systems are considered
remote. All AUDIX subscribers can be assigned the same (or no) prefixes and separate extension numbers,
or different prefixes to distinguish among local systems.
A one-cabinet 16-port AUDIX system can provide services to up to 2000 local subscribers; a two-cabinet
32-port system can handle twice as many. When AUDIX systems are integrated into a local network, they
take on the appearance of one large AUDIX system. The AUDIX systems can reside together in the same
equipment room with the switch, or in different locations according to the type of connections made.