GF Signet 4150 Turbidimeter User Manual
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Signet 4150 Turbidimeter
Unpacking and Inspecting the Instrument and Accessories
The table below indicates the items in the Turbidimeter shipment.
13.5 in.
7.34 in.
4.0 in.
2.0 in.
8.9 in
2 in.
Top View
Front View
Side View
12.25 in.
10.75 in.
This manual contains basic instructions that must be followed
during the commissioning, operation, care and maintenance of
the instrument. The safety protection provided by this equipment
may be impaired if it is commissioned and/or used in a manner
not described in this manual. Consequently, all responsible
personnel must read this manual prior to working with this
Georg Fischer Signet LLC accepts no responsibility for damage
caused by the introduction of vapors, À uids or other materials into
the instrument process stream which is not compatible with the
wetted materials. A list of the wetted materials can be found in the
speci¿ cations on page 1 of this manual.
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are available online at
It is the responsibility of the Distributor, Dealer, or Agent to
provide a current copy of the MSDS to the Consumers of Georg
Fischer Piping Systems products. The information contained
herein is presented in good faith and has been compiled from
sources believed to be reliable. It represents the best information
currently available to us. No warranty express or implied, or
merchantability, ¿ tness or otherwise is made and we assume no
liability resulting from its use. This information is offered for your
consideration and users should make their own investigation
and veri¿ cation to determine the suitability of the information for
their particular purposes. In no event shall Georg Fischer Piping
Systems, the parent company or its subsidiaries be liable for any
claims, losses, or damages of any third party or for lost pro¿ ts
or any special, indirect, incidental, consequential or exemplary
damages, howsoever arising, even if Georg Fischer Piping
Systems has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
This information relates to the material designated and may not
be valid for such material used in combination with any other
materials nor in any process.
3-4150- ( __ ) Turbidimeter
3-4150.090 Instruction Manual
3-4150.380 Dessicant Pack (Do not open until ready to install)
4150-0009 or 4150-0004 Measurement Cuvette
4150-0005 Tubing Kit:
1 shutoff clamp
1 backpressure valve
2 connectors and inserts for customer-supplied 8 mm (5/16) tubing
2 connecting tubing with ¿ ttings for À ow-through assembly
1 drain vent screw (used in pressurized systems)
Mounting Hardware Kit
Remove the instrument from the packing carton. Carefully inspect all items to ensure that no visible damage has occurred during
shipment. If the items received do not match the order, please immediately contact the local distributor or the Georg Fischer Signet
Customer Service department.