ELRO HIS20S Security & home automation system EXPANDED USERS MANUAL User Manual
Page 53

Setting Sequence:
Press -> plays “I will watch over the house!” ->
system enters fully arm mode -> PIR Detector sets to
ON while Magnet Contact Detector and Green Control
sets to OFF.
Note: Pressing function key will initiate the
preset event setting and sets the event to ON. So if a
movement is detected by PIR Detector, the Green
Control will turn ON and then turn OFF 5 minutes later.
Panic Switch
The Smart Home Box also incorporates a Panic Switch.
Press 2 seconds will immediately initiate a full
alarm condition whether the system is Armed or
If the battery cover of any device is removed or if the
Motion Detector or Smart Home Box is removed from
the wall then a Full Alarm condition will be initiated
even if the system is Disarmed. The alarm condition
will continue either for the alarm duration when the
system will automatically reset or until the system is
The ‘ALARM MEM/MESSAGE’ LED on the Smart
Home Box will flash and the panel will beep every few
seconds to indicate an alarm has occurred.
Note: The Tamper protection facility on the Motion
Detector operates independently. If the Tamper on
the Motion Detector is activated this will not be
indicated at the Smart Home Box.
When setting to the voice dialer and If ‘LINE STATUS’
LED is flashing, it implies bad telephone line
connection or telephone network being out of order.
Check the telephone line and re-test it.
When setting to the digital dialer and if ‘LINE STATUS’
LED is flashing, it implies two causes of failure. One
is bad telephone line connection or telephone network
being out of order. The other cause of failure is
derived from the central monitoring station. Consult
with the central monitoring station for help.
If the Remote System Control facility is enabled, the
Smart Home Box will answer the call after the set
number of rings and emit three beeps on the phone line
to prompt for a User Password to be entered using the
telephone keypad.
A valid User Password will be acknowledged with voice
guidance. An incorrect code will be acknowledged
with voice guidance.
If the User Password is not entered within 30s or is
entered incorrectly three times then the Smart Home
Box will automatically hang-up the line.
By pressing the button on the telephone keypad
within 30 seconds, the Smart Home Box will
automatically hang-up the line.
Use with an External Answer-Phone
If the Remote System Control is to be used in
conjunction with an external Answer-Phone then:
The number of ‘one call ring’ for the Smart Home Box
must be greater than that of the External
Answer-Phone, otherwise the Smart Home Box will
always pickup the call before the Answer-Phone.
To access the Remote System Control facility the
Smart Home Box has a ‘double call dial-in’ feature to
enable the Smart Home Box to pick-up the phone call
before the external Answer-Phone cuts in. The
‘double call dial-in’ procedure is as follows:
1. Dial up the system and hang up after two rings.
2. Redial up the system within 28s as maximum (14s
as minimum), the system will pickup the phone
after 1 ring.
3. Enter the User Password as normal.
The following functions may be access via the remote.
The system will acknowledge each signal with voice