Burkert Type SE56 User Manual

Page 49

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19/03/08 19/03/08 19/03/08


the status)
0x81(hex) = command for starting the current batch process

0x82(hex) = command for suspending the current batch process

0x83(hex) = command for resetting the current batch process

Acyclic Index Write = 31(dec) Setting Batch Data Memory

With this index it is possible to insert the batch data memory, and then with the Acyclic Index Write = 30

and the batch command 0x11(hex) the data is written in the Flow meter

byte 0: (8 bits integer) batch code:

bits 0..4 = number of the batch memory to be written (0..15)

bit 5 = must be set to one

bit 6 = 1 if this batch memory must be set as active batch process, 0 if this batch memory is to be written


bit 7 = must be set to zero

bytes 1-8: (8 bytes ASCII) memory batch name (allowed characters: 0..9, a..z, A..Z, space (32 DEC, 20


bytes 9-10: (2 bytes 16 bit unsigned integer, MSB first) number of batch processes done for this batch


bytes 11-12: (2 bytes 16 bit unsigned integer, MSB first) value of the safety batch timer expressed in tenths of


bytes 13-16: (4 bytes 32 bits unsigned long integer, MSB first) batch quantity value expressed in the same units

and with the same decimal digits of the volume counters.

Acyclic Index Write = 50(dec) Data Logger Commands

With this index it is possible to insert the number of record requested for to return the data in the internal

Data Logger, and then with the Acyclic Indexes Read = 50,51...55 it is posssible read the data returned

byte 0: (8 bits integer) number of record requested

byte 1: (8 bits integer) command type

byte 1 = 0x20(hex) command for check presence of DATA in the Internal Data Logger

byte 1 = 0x21(hex) command for reading record of DATA from the Internal Data Logger

byte 1 = 0x22(hex) command for erasing DATA in the Internal Data Logger

byte 1 = 0x23(hex) command for check presence of EVENTS in the Internal Data Logger

byte 1 = 0x24(hex) command for reading record of EVENTS in the Internal Data Logger

byte 1 = 0x25(hex) command for erasing EVENTS in the Internal Data Logger

byte 1 = 0x26(hex) command for reading measurement unit of the MIN MAX in the Internal

Data Logger

byte 1 = 0x27(hex) command for reading values MIN MAX from the Internal Data Logger

byte 1 = 0x28(hex) command for erasing MIN MAX values in the Internal Data Logger

Acyclic Index Write = 100(dec) Setting the value of the High Alarm Threshold for the Flow

rate Control with Diagnostic and Alarm

bytes 0-3: High Alarm Threshold (32 bit single precision IEEE floating point, MSB first) Flow rate in technical
