Burkert Type SE56 User Manual
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Acyclic Index Read = 20(dec) Static Process Data of the Flow Meter
bytes 0-3: (32 bit single precision IEEE floating point, MSB first) Flow rate scale range in t.u.
bytes 4-8: (5 bytes ASCII) flow rate measurement unit
bytes 9-11: (3 bytes ASCII) measurement unit of the counters
byte 12: (8 bits integer) number of decimals after the point for totalizers display
byte 13: (8 bits integer) number of decimals after the point for flow rate display
bytes 14-17: (32 bit long integer, MSB first) clock expressed in minutes starting from 01-01-1992
byte 18: (8 bits integer) measurement samples per second (Hz)
byte 20=10(dec) measurement frequency = 10 Hz
byte 20=20(dec) measurement frequency = 20 Hz
byte 20=50(dec) measurement frequency = 50 Hz
byte 20=80(dec) measurement frequency = 80 Hz
byte 20=150(dec) measurement frequency = 150 Hz
byte 20=44(dec) measurement frequency = 300 Hz
byte 20=144(dec) measurement frequency = 400 Hz
byte 19: (8 bits integer) current value of Data Type ( see the Sections Data Type and the relative
Configuration )
NOTE: The values in the “32 bits single precision IEEE floating point” format are floating point numbers
which can be represented during writing by any decimal digits. To keep the same numerical format visible
on the instrument display however, it is necessary to calculate the decimal figures with a rather complex
algorithm which takes account of instrument precision, flow rate measurement unit, etc. For this purpose
and to avoid useless calculations, the number of decimals to use to represent the flow rate values is supplied
separately (byte position 13).
NOTE: The counters are expressed with a 32 bit integer. The «counter decimal figures» parameter,
indicates the point position starting from the right: 0 = no decimal, 1=1 decimal figure, and so on (byte
position 12).
NOTE: The date and time are expressed with a 32 bit integer containing the number of minutes elapsed
since 01-01-1992. To calculate the date starting from this number, see the programming examples in the
section 4.0 PROGRAMMING ALGORITMS of this manual.
Acyclic Index Read = 21(dec) Slave Data
byte 0: (8 bits integer) enabled/disabled the control of the flow rate by thresholds and sending Diagnostic
message (see Section 1.5 Slave Diagnostic Alarms )
bit 0 =1 if enabled the control of the flow rate by thresholds and sending Diagnostic message
byte 1: (8 bits integer) enabled/disabled Alarm message when the control of the flow rate by thresholds is
bit 0 =1 if enabled the sending of Alarm message when the control of the flow rate by thresholds is active
byte 2: (8 bits integer) slave address
byte 3: (8 bits integer) pno ident number high
byte 4: (8 bits integer) pno ident number low
byte 5: (8 bits integer) DPC31 ASIC Step
bit 0 =1 if DPC31 B