Burkert Type SE56 User Manual

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Acyclic Index Read = 100(dec) Current value of the High Alarm Threshold for the Flow rate
Control with Diagnostic and Alarm

bytes 0-3: High Alarm Threshold (32 bit single precision IEEE floating point, MSB first) Flow rate in technical


Acyclic Index Read = 101(dec) Current value of the High Warning Threshold for the Flow rate

Control with Diagnostic and Alarm

bytes 0-3: High Warning Threshold (32 bit single precision IEEE floating point, MSB first) Flow rate in

technical unit

Acyclic Index Read = 102(dec) Current value of the Low Warning Threshold for the Flow rate
Control with Diagnostic and Alarm

bytes 0-3: Low Warning Threshold (32 bit single precision IEEE floating point, MSB first) Flow rate in

technical unit

Acyclic Index Read = 103(dec) Current value of the Low Alarm Threshold for the Flow rate
Control with Diagnostic and Alarm

bytes 0-3: Low Alarm Threshold (32 bit single precision IEEE floating point, MSB first) Flow rate in technical

3.2. Acyclic Write Data to the Flow Meter

For the insertion of the data with the Acyclic Read Service and a Class 1 Master the Acyclic Slot is ignored

and every value is not checked in the slave. The only value used for select the type of data inserted is the

Acyclic Index.

If the master is a Class 2 master, it is necessary insert the value of the Acyclic Slot = 0 and with the value

of the Acyclic Index there is the indication to the slave of the type of data of the data inserted.

Below there is the description list of the type of the bytes that there is possible to insert with the different
value inserted in the Acyclic Index.

Acyclic Index Write = 0(dec) Setting of the value of the Data Type

byte 0: (8 bits integer) Data Type ( see the Sections Data Type and the relative Configuration )

Acyclic Index Write = 10(dec) Flow Meter Commands

byte 0: (8 bits integer) command type

Type of command that is possible to insert in the byte 0:

Byte 0 = 0x06(hex) command for reset the Totalizers of the Flow Meter ( see the Flow Meter Manual and

the relative menu for to enable which totalizers to reset by this command).

Byte 0 = 0x07(hex) command for read the current Language used in the Flow Meter:

The information is returned by the byte 2 of the Input data with Acyclic Index 22.

Byte 0 = 0x08(hex) command for Reset the slave module. After 5 seconds the module return in the data


Byte 0 = 0x32(hex) command for Autozero Calibration