Burkert Type SE56 User Manual
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19/03/08 19/03/08 19/03/08
two bytes ( the two indexes ) are the bytes for to update the clock ( to update the clock is possible only for
ML 210 ) of the Flow meter.
The firsts two byte of the Input data indicate always the current value of the INDEX Input and Output
inserted with the 16 Output data.
NOTE: The values in the “32 bits single precision IEEE floating point” format are floating point numbers
which can be represented during writing by any decimal digits. To keep the same numerical format visible
on the instrument display however, it is necessary to calculate the decimal figures with a rather complex
algorithm which takes account of instrument precision, flow rate measurement unit, etc. For this purpose
and to avoid useless calculations, the number of decimals to use to represent the flow rate values is supplied
separately (see INDEX Input = 30(dec) Static Process Data of the Flow Meter byte position 15).
NOTE: The counters are expressed with a 32 bit integer. The «counter decimal figures» parameter,
indicates the point position starting from the right: 0 = no decimal, 1=1 decimal figure, and so on (see
INDEX Input = 30(dec) Static Process Data of the Flow Meter byte position 15).
Below there is a description of the contents of each 16 bytes for every type of INDEX Input ( this index is
inserted with the first byte of the Output data):
INDEX Input = 0(dec) Dynamic Process Data
byte 0: (8 bits integer) current INDEX Input
byte 1: (8 bits integer) current INDEX Output
bytes 2-5: (32 bit single precision IEEE floating point, MSB first) Flow rate in %
bytes 6-9: (32 bit long integer, MSB first) totalizer for TOTAL volume + or batch quantity ( batch quantity
only for ML M3F )
bytes 10-13: (32 bit long integer, MSB first) totalizer for PARTIAL volume + or batch counter ( batch
counter only for ML M3F )
bytes 14-15: (16 bit unsigned integer, MSB first) process flags:
bit 0 =1 if the excitation is too fast for the sensor connected
bit 1 =1 if the maximum alarm is active
bit 2 =1 if the minimum alarm is active
bit 3 =1 if the Flow rate exceeds the scale range value (overflow)
bit 4 =1 if one or more output impulses are saturated (too many impulses to emit)
bit 5 =1 if the measurement signal is highly disturbed or if the sensor is disconnected
bit 6 =1 if the measurement tube is empty
bit 7 =1 if the circuit powering the coils is not working or the sensor is disconnected
bit 8 =1 if the second measurement scale is active
bit 9 =1 if the Flow rate is lower than the cut-off threshold
bit10=1 if the Flow rate is negative
bit11=1 if a new measurement value calculated for the display is available
bit12=1 if the counter block signal is active
bit13=1 if dosing is in progress
bit14=1 if a calibration cycle is in progress
bit15=1 if a Flow rate simulation is in progress
INDEX Input = 1(dec) Dynamic Process Data
byte 0: (8 bits integer) current INDEX Input
byte 1: (8 bits integer) current INDEX Output
bytes 2-5: (32 bit single precision IEEE floating point, MSB first) Flow rate in %
bytes 6-9: (32 bit long integer, MSB first) totalizer for TOTAL volume - or batch quantity ( data valid only
for ML 210 )