B&K Precision 2532B - Manual User Manual
Page 103

4. Press the “Cursor B” option button to select the input signal
5. Select “Cur A”, turn the “Universal” knob to move Cursor A
6. Select “Cur B”, turn the “Universal” knob to move Cursor B
7. The measurement values are displayed on the left of the top
A T: The horizontal position of Cursor A (Time cursor
centered around the midpoint of screen)
A V: The vertical position of Cursor A (Voltage cursor
centered around channel ground level)
B T: The horizontal position of Cursor B (Time cursor
centered around the midpoint of the screen)
B V: The vertical position of Cursor B (Voltage cursor
centered around the channel ground level)
∆T: Horizontal space between Cursor A and Cursor B (Time
value between two cursors).
1/∆T: The reciprocal of horizontal space between cursor A and
cursor B.
∆V: Vertical space between Cursor A and Cursor B (Voltage
value between two cursors).