Veris Technologies MSP3 - Operating Instructions User Manual
Page 79

Pub. #OM17-MSP3
Figure 3.3
Firmly press one lead of the ohmmeter to the #1 coulter blade edge (left hand, standing behind the
unit) and the other lead to the #1 terminal on the test box. Maintain firm pressure on the ohmmeter
lead touching the disk blade. A reading of less than 2 ohms is normal. Rotate blade ¼ of a turn
back and forth as you view the ohmmeter. Any jump in the readings above 2 ohms indicates a
Continue to check each coulter electrode in succession, left to right.
If any coulter electrode exhibits no continuity or resistance higher than 2 ohms, refer to Procedure
#4 Diagnosing EC Signal Problems.
Connect to coulter
Connect one lead to Signal Test
Box terminal (corresponding to
each coulter)
Figure 3.4
Signal extension cable
(from implement)