Veris Technologies MSP3 - Operating Instructions User Manual
Page 62

Pub. #OM17-MSP3
If TAP or DI are selected as the wash water type, the water baseline process will be repeated
every 40 cycles following the next engage press. If the pH during the cycling sequence does not
get within 0.5 of the baseline pH, the computer speakers will beep and the pH labels will blink. This
is to allow operator that the electrodes are not cleaning properly.
There are warning signals programmed into the SoilViewer to warn the operator that data are not
being recorded, so that corrective action can be taken. If data aren’t being recorded, a warning
beep will sound from the computer, and the text indicator of the data that is missing information will
blink. For example, if the DGPS isn’t being received (or the NMEA string containing speed) the Fix
indicator text will blink. If EC values are negative, they will also blink.
pH Data Flags
Numbered “flags” can be added to the pH data by pressing the Flag key or F2 while the pH
Manager is CYCLING or RECORDING. If the key is pressed while the pH Manager is in the
RECORDING phase, the flag light will turn bright green:
Figure 103
This means the flag will be recorded with the current data point. If the key is pressed while the pH
Manager is in the CYCLING phase, the next point will be flagged and flag light will not turn green
until the RECORDING phase is reached. Tip: Use this function to flag any sample where a problem
has occurred, such as a plugged shoe. Open the pH file in a spreadsheet program, locate the
points that have been flagged, and delete rows of problem data.