Chapter 10 j obs – Yamaha SU700 User Manual

Page 278

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Chapter 10 J



Chapter 10 Jobs


Resample the mix of the source sample’s left and right out-
puts. (This is the default.)


Resample the source sample’s left output only.


Resample the source sample’s right output only.

While this job is selected, the track meters operate as a two-channel horizontal
level meter, just as during normal sampling recording. The meter grows to the right
as the level increases, and the word


appears if the level goes too high. The up-

per part of the level meter indicates the recording level for the right channel; the
lower part of the meter indicates the level for the left channel.

The destination track can be any empty sample track (LOOP, COMPOSED LOOP,
or FREE track). You can not record to a nonempty track, or to the AUDIO IN or
MASTER track.

Note that the destination track is associated with the same song as the replayed se-
quence itself. If you are resampling from Song 1, for example, the new sample is
placed onto an empty track within Song 1 itself.

The new sample is not associated with the destination track until you complete the
resampling process (at step 10 below). Canceling the job at any time prior to
completion will restore the destination track to its original state.

When working at this job, you can listen to the sound of the sequence at any time
by operating the sequencer controls. While resampling is in progress, the sound
will be audible on speakers or headphone.



Before entering the job, set up the song to get the sound that you want to capture.


Press RESAMPLE | SEQ to enter this job.
▼ The screen displays the gain setting and the channel mode. The initially displayed

settings are the same as those you made the last time you accessed this job. (The
defaults are


, channels=


). The gain setting is flashing, indicating that

you can now change this value.


Set the gain.
Play the relevant section of the sequence (operate the sequence buttons so as to play
the sequence over the range of measures that you want to record) while turning the
dial to adjust the gain. In general, you want to set the gain so that the maximum level
brings the meter all the way to the right side without triggering the

