Chapter 10 j obs – Yamaha SU700 User Manual

Page 256

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Chapter 10 J



Chapter 10 Jobs



Be sure that the song you want to delete the segment from is currently selected.
▼ You may find it convenient to stop the song at the first measure that you want to





If necessary, turn the dial to select DELETE MEASURES. Then press [OK].
▼ The screen displays the start-measure and end-measure parameters, which you use

to select the range of measures you want to delete.
As a default, the screen offers to delete the current measure only. If the song is cur-
rently at measure 50, for example, the display will offer you the following default-
which would delete measure 50 only.


Adjust the values as necessary, using


to move among the two param-

eters, and the dial to set each value.
▼ The SU700 won’t let you set the first value higher than the second, or the second

value lower than the first. Once the values become equal, raising the left value or
lowering the right value will cause both values to move together.


After you have finished setting the values, press [OK].
▼ The measures are deleted, and subsequent measures are shifted back to fill in the

gap. The screen may display a “processing” pattern while processing is in progress.
When processing is completed, the job terminates and the SU700 returns you to the
main screen.

This job copies sequence data from one segment of a track to another segment on the
same track or on a different track of the same type. You can choose to write the cop-
ied data into the destination side more than once: the job will place the copies one
right after the other, as illustrated below.

The operation copies all sequence events (with the exception of note-on and note-off
events) from the specified source segment, and overwrites all sequence events (again,
with the exception of note-on and note-off events) already existing in the destination