Toshiba Strata DK 16 User Manual
Page 57

SECTION 100-816-302
MARCH 1993
it may. In the second case, the plan may only
pertain to exception office codes for certain
area codes.
Example 1—In the first example, office code
exception tables will be defined to the area
code table. Use the continuation sheet to
define the exception office codes. As many as
eight of the office code exception tables may
be linked to a plan, but each exception table
may only be used once. When using the
continuation sheet, be sure that the same
exception table is not assigned to more than
one plan.
Turn to the continuation sheet (that fol-
lows plan 8 record sheet).
Determine the plan number where the
exception office codes will be rooted.
Fill in the area code of the exception office
codes in the spaces provided by the cor-
rect plan number. These office codes will
be routed differently than the overall area
Enter the specific office codes that are to
be routed differently.
Example 2—In the second example, the route
plan only applies to office code exceptions.
The first office code exception table may be
documented on the LCR Plan record sheet:
Check the box on the record sheet next to
Office Code Exception Table number.
Enter the number of the exception table (1
~ 8). Make sure this table number is not
entered on any other plan or on the con-
tinuation sheet.
Enter the applicable area code.
Enter the specific office codes that are to
be routed differently than the area code.
7.36 Program 53—LCR Schedule Assign-
ments. This program assigns up to three time
schedules to each plan. Each time schedule
consists of four different route definition choices
(defined in Program 54) available to the four
station groups (defined in Program 56). It may
be helpful to complete Program 54 portions of
the plans and Program 56 before proceeding.
Typical installation without time scheduling
feature—In most cases, an installation will not
require use of the time schedule feature. To
reflect this on the record sheets for plans 1 ~ 8:
1: Enter the same Schedule Start Times for
Schedules 1 and 2. Use military time, in the
format HH:MM (Hours:Minutes). Fill in all
four digits. Initialized data assigns “0000” to
all times.
If LCR software sees schedules 1 and
2 have the same start times, then it
only looks at schedule 1 for route defi-
2: Enter Route Definition Numbers for
Schedules 1 and 2. Four definitions may
be entered for each group.
LCR Station (Class) Groups 1 ~ 4 are
assigned in Program 56.
LCR Route Definition numbers 1 ~ 4
are defined in Program 54.
The order in which the route defini-
tions are entered defines the order of
LCR line selection. The most desir-
able route should be entered in the
leftmost position, and the least desir-
able route in the rightmost position.
If “1” is assigned to Station Group 1
and 1 for route definition only, then
those assigned will only be able to use
route definition 1, thereby restricting
them during times that route definition
1 is not allowed.
Keep in mind that the route definition
number is being entered, not the CO
line group number. The definitions are
assigned in Program 54.
Installation requiring time scheduling fea-
ture—When an installation requires the time
scheduling feature to be programmed, three
“shifts” of route definitions can be assigned per
station group. To reflect this on the record sheet,
substitute Step 1 of the procedure described for
the typical customer with the following:
1: Enter the Schedule Start Times for Sched-
ules 1, 2 and 3. Use military time, in the
format HH:MM (Hours:Minutes). Fill in all
four digits. Initialized data assigns “0000” to
all times.
Start time for schedule 2 is the stop
time for schedule 1.
Start time for schedule 3 is the stop
time for schedule 2.
Start time for schedule 1 is the stop
time for schedule 3.