Toshiba Strata DK 16 User Manual

Page 30

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SECTION 100-816-302
MARCH 1993


+ station number. This insures that the mes-
sage LED remains flashing until all VM
messages have been retrieved, at which
time the VM machine should cancel the MW
LED by dialing

6 4

+ station number. With


6 4

enabled, MW indications set on a

station from VM ports will not automatically
be cancelled by the DK system when the
station calls VM to retrieve messages. If
"Automatic" is selected, the flashing mes-
sage waiting LED is canceled any time a
station calls the VM machine and the VM
machine answers.

Message Waiting cancel via "Dial

6 4


station number" only applies to VM ports that
have LEDs 16 and 17 set "ON" in Program


Ringing Modes, LED 03—Two choices are
available for ringing modes invoked by the
Night Transfer button. One choice consists
of the DAY, DAY 2, NIGHT modes (three
modes), and the other of the DAY and
NIGHT modes (two modes). The three-
mode selection is useful for alternate an-
swering positions. These modes are
switched via the

Night Transfer1




button on a telephone or

DSS Console (Programs 29 and 39) which
controls CO line ring assignments (Pro-
grams 78
and 81 ~ 89).


Call Forward Override From DSS Con-
sole (DDSS or HDSS) Position, LED 02
(for STRATA DK16 only)—If a station has
activated call forwarding, all calls to that
station will be forwarded to another num-
ber—except for calls from the DSS console
position. A choice exists of whether to call
forward from the console itself or from the
digital or electronic telephone assigned to it.
If the console calls (using the DSS console
station buttons) are forwarded, the atten-
dant telephone will not be forwarded, and
vice versa. This allows the console operator
flexibility in reaching a station user.


Tone First/Voice First-DSS Console
(for STRATA DK16
only)—The intercom call signal from a DSS
console can be set for Tone First Signaling
or Voice First Signaling, independent of the
system-wide signal option set in Program
. Thus, DSS consoles and their atten-

dant stations can ring with different signal-
ing modes.

Program 10-3 System Assignments 3: The fol-

lowing options are available on a system-wide


LCD BLF Display, LED 20—Turn LED 20
for LCDs to display port numbers when the
Busy Lamp Field (BLF) is activated. LED 20
must be off for LCDs to display default
station numbers when the BLF is activated.


Speed Dial Entry Timeout, LED 19—Sta-
tion users can either have up to one minute
or up to three minutes to store Speed Dial
numbers or memos, depending on the LED
17 setting. If they fail to store the Speed Dial
number or memo within the set time, their
station will automatically exit the Speed Dial
Storage mode and change to the normal idle
state. The three-minute setting is recom-
mended if station users will frequently be
storing memos with Speed Dial numbers.


QSMU TTY/SMDR Option Select, LED 04
(for STRATA DK8 only)—Selects the func-
tion of the QSMU PCB: LED 04 ON—TTY,


External Amplified Conference, LED 02
(for STRATA DK16 only)—Turn LED 02 on
to indicate that an external customer-sup-
plied two-way amplifier is connected to Ports
17 and 18. (These ports must be either
PEKU or PESU electronic telephone ports/
circuits.) The amplifier will amplify two CO
line conference calls. Only one call can be
amplified at a time. Conference calls made
while the amplifier is in use will not be
amplified—See Program 10-1 (LEDs 19
and 20), Program 10-2 (LEDs 18 and 19),
and Program 15-5 for more information
regarding two-CO line conference.

The external amplifiers will also be automati-
cally switched into two CO line DISA line

Program 12—System Assignments-Basic Tim-



Pause Timing, Code 3—Short and long
pauses may be programmed in Speed Dial
numbers by station users. The length of
short pauses can be set system-wide for
either 1.5 or 3 seconds with Code 3. The