Toshiba Strata DK 16 User Manual
Page 26

SECTION 100-816-302
MARCH 1993
of these slots is capable of supporting any of
the following PCBs: PDKU, PEKU, PSTU,
PESU, PIOU, PIOUS, KCDU. It is important to
note that Slots 04 and 05 are 16 channel slots
that are capable of supporting Off-hook Call
Announce (OCA) and Data Interface Units
(DIUs), whereas Slots 06 and 07 are eight
channel slots that cannot support OCA or DIUs.
Therefore, we recommend that you install the
station PCB in either Slot 04 or 05 rather than 06
or 07. The Expansion Unit can support a maxi-
mum of eight station ports and four CO lines.
After completing Program 03, turn the
system power off for five seconds and
then turn it back on. This will set in memory
all of the configuration data entered in this
Program 00—Software Check/Remote Mainte-
nance Security Code Assignments: The RAM
checksum, the KPSU Power Cycle Counter,
and the system software version can be verified
with this program. Neither of these attributes
can be changed or edited with this program.
Program 00, though, does allow two security
codes to be set for Remote Maintenance:
Level 1 Security Code—Remote Mainte-
nance security code which allows entry to all
programs and data.
Level 2 Security Code—Remote Mainte-
nance security code which allows entry to
Programs 30 ~ 39 and 77 ~ 89.
Program 04—Logical Port/Intercom Number
Assignment: Initialized station intercom num-
bers are 10 ~ 19 (STRATA DK8) or 10 ~ 29
(STRATA DK16), which are assigned to logical
ports 00 ~ 09 (STRATA DK8) or 00 ~ 19 (STRATA
DK16), respectively. This program can be used
to change this initialized setting.
The standard station intercom numbers 10
~ 19 (STRATA DK8), 10 ~ 29 (STRATA DK16)
can be reassigned to different logical port
numbers with Program 04; or the station inter-
com numbers can first be changed to numbers
other than 10 ~ 19 (STRATA DK8), 10 ~ 29
(STRATA DK16) with Program 05, then as-
signed to logical ports with Program 04. Station
number assignment is fully flexible so that each
station can have any intercom number assigned
up to four digits. However,
if the first digit is not
1 or 2, access code conflicts may exist, and
a new system numbering plan will have to be
carefully worked out—If desired, a digital tele-
phone accompanying a DDSS console (STRATA
DK16 only) or Add-on module (DK8 and DK16)
can have a station number of 0 or 01, etc.
without conflict.
All user guides are written using the stan-
dard access codes and station numbers. If no
assignment is made in Program 04, the system
when powered up will automatically assign sta-
tion numbers as follows:
• For STRATA DK8: The system automati-
cally assigns station numbers 10 ~ 13 to the
digital telephone circuit ports in the KSU,
station numbers 14 ~ 15 to the first optional
CO Line/Digital Telephone Interface Unit
(QCDU) PCB (even if it is not installed),
station numbers 16 ~ 17 to the second
optional (QCDU) PCB (even if it is not in-
stalled), and station numbers 18 ~ 19 to the
optional Standard Telephone Interface Unit
(QSTU) PCB (even if it is not installed).
• For STRATA DK16: The system automati-
cally assigns station numbers 10 ~ 17 to the
digital telephone circuit ports in the Base
Unit, station numbers 18 ~ 21 to the optional
Base Unit Standard Telephone Interface
Unit (KSTU) PCB (even if it is not installed),
and station numbers 22 ~ 29 to the optional
Expansion Unit (even if it is not installed).
Program 04 does not apply to the door phone
standard numbering scheme (551 ~ 556 for
STRATA DK8 and DK16), the internal modem
(IMDU) number (619) (for STRATA DK16 only),
or the Direct Inward System Access (DISA)
class of service port (Port 10 for STRATA DK8,
Port 20 for STRATA DK16). The system auto-
matically assigns door phone station numbers if
a door phone is specified in Program 77-1.
Programs 01 & 02—Logical and Physical Sta-
tion Port Display: Logical and physical ports
can both be displayed with Program 01 or 02.
Logical ports cannot be relocated with either of
these two programs.