Toshiba Strata DK 16 User Manual

Page 45

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SECTION 100-816-302

MARCH 1993



For the NIGHT Relay Mode option: LED
01 must be OFF and LED 02 must be
ON. (See LED 06 to specify how the
relay will operate when selected for this

See LEDs 05 and 07 for DK16 PIOU and
PIOUS relay options.

Program 77-2—Door Phone Busy/Door
Lock Assignments


Door Phone Ring Count, LED 20—The
number of times that a door phone will ring
digital and electronic telephones is set with
this LED. Light the LED for one ring; turn off
the LED for five rings. The default is five
rings. See Program 79 to assign which
digital and electronic telephones will be rung
by door phones. Door phones will not ring
standard telephones.


Door Phone Busy Out, LEDs 01,02, 03,
05, 06, 07—
Each Door Phone/Lock Control
Unit (DDCB) can interface with up to three
door phones. The system treats each DDCB
as a station. Therefore, this is different from
station arrangements using telephones. The
system does not automatically know how
many door phones are connected to each
DDCB; so it must be told. This program is
used to enter that information so that a caller
will receive fast busy tone if the called door
phone does not exist. Door phones 1A, 1B,
1C are numbered 551, 552, 553, respec-
tively, and are connected to the DDCB at
Port 02/DK8 or Port 04/DK16. Door phones
2A, 2B, 2C are numbered 554, 555, 556,
respectively, and are connected to the DDCB
at Port 03/DK8 or Port 12/DK16.


Door Lock Assignments, LEDs 04 and
Each DDCB B-jack output can be con-
figured as a door lock control. Door lock
control buttons for DDCB door locks are
assigned to digital or electronic telephones
in Program 39. Door lock activation time is
set in Program 77-1. The DK8 supports two
door lock (DDCBs) controls, and the DK16
provides a maximum of three door lock
controls—one from a DDCB connected to

the Base Key Service Unit, one from a
DDCB connected to a PDKU or KCDU in the
Expansion Unit, and one from a PIOU or
PIOUS in the Expansion Unit.

Program 78—CO Line Special Ringing Assign-



Ring Over External Page During Night
Mode, Feature 1
—This program selects
which CO lines will activate ringing over
external paging facilities during the NIGHT


DISA CO Line Assignment, Feature 2
This program assigns CO lines to be used
with the Direct Inward System Access
(DISA). CO lines may be set for DISA opera-
tion during the different system modes of
DAY, DAY2, and NIGHT. A CO line will
switch to normal ringing after ten seconds if
the outside caller does not use the DISA
feature. Normal function of these lines oc-
curs for outgoing calls.

An optional security code for DISA outgoing
CO calls is available via Program 60-6.


Ring IMDU Maintenance Modem, Feature
(for STRATA DK16 only)Remote Main-
tenance via the optional PIOU or PIOUS
IMDU modem can be accomplished with
this program. Different alternatives are avail-
able for the system modes of DAY, DAY2,
and NIGHT. If none of these are selected,
the IMDU can still be reached on station 619
with the DISA feature or by a Ring Transfer
from the DSS console attendant or any other
station. IMDU station 619 must be enabled
with Program 77-1.Program 79—Door
Phone Ringing


Muted Ring to Busy Electronic and Digi-
tal Telephone, LED 20
—If all digital and
electronic telephones are busy and a door
phone button is pressed, a muted ring tone
can be sent to selected digital and electronic
telephones defined in this program. (Only
the lowest port in the appropriate ringing
group will mute ring.)


Door Phone Ring, LEDs 01 ~ 06—When a
door phone button is pressed, selected digi-