Toshiba Strata DK 16 User Manual
Page 43

SECTION 100-816-302
MARCH 1993
Full and Partially Verified Account
Codes—Verified Account Codes can con-
tain the same number of digits (full Verified
Account Code) or less (partially Verified
Account Code) than the Account Code length
set in Program 60-4. If partially Verified, the
first part of the Account Code is verified and
the remainder is not. For example, if Verified
Account Code 2734 is set in Program 69,
but the Account Code digit length is set to
eight in Program 60-4, then the user must
dial 2734 plus any other four digits to enter
a partially Verified Account Code. There are
many applications for partially Verified Ac-
count Codes. For instance, using the code in
the example above, the numbers 2734 could
be the user’s dial restriction code and the
remaining four digits could be a customer-
client code, a sales order, etc.
Verified Account Code Toll Restriction
Assignments—A Toll Restriction class can
be assigned with Program 70 to each of the
Verified Account Codes.
Verified Account Code Dial Require-
ment—The Verified Account Code Dial Re-
quirement is assigned on a station-by-sta-
tion basis in Program 30, LED 14 ON. All
Account Codes dialed (Forced or Voluntary)
from stations assigned in this program will
be Verified.
Verified Account Code Change by Sta-
tion—Stations selected in Program 30, LED
15 ON, can change Verified Account Codes
(VAC) by dialing the following sequence:
6 5 9
0 0 0
2 9 9
DK8 provides 100 verified account codes
(000-099) and DK16 provides 300 (000-299).
Verified Account Codes: Forced/Volun-
tary Program Options—Any station can
dial a Voluntary Account Code after access-
ing a CO line. Forced Account Code require-
ments are assigned via station and CO line
program options: Stations are assigned in
Program 30 (LED 08 ON), and CO lines are
assigned in Program 15-7. Stations must
dial Verified Account Codes when assigned
in Program 30 (LED 14 ON). Direct Inward
System Access (DISA) callers that access
outgoing CO lines can be required to enter
Verified Account Codes with Program 30
(LED 08 ON for Port 20).
Program 70—Verified Account Code Toll Re-
striction Assignments: A Toll Restriction class
can be assigned with this program to each of the
Verified Account Codes assigned in Program
69. Therefore, when a Forced Verified Account
Code is dialed at a station, the station tempo-
rarily assumes the Toll Restriction class as-
signed to the Verified Account Code. When
Program 70 is initialized, all Verified Account
Codes are assigned as not Toll Restricted (data
= 00). Verified Account Code Toll Restriction
class assignments are not user programmable;
so if the assignments are not known, it is recom-
mended to assign a number (block) of Verified
Account Codes to each type of Toll Restriction
class. For example:
VACs 000 ~ 025 = No restriction
VACs 026 ~ 075 = Total restriction
VACs 076 ~ 099 = Class 1
Program 77-1—Peripheral Options:
Door Lock Time, LED 20—The door lock
relay contacts on the PIOU, PIOUS, and
Door Phone/Lock Control Unit (DDCB) may
be programmed to operate for either three or
six seconds.
DDCB Port Assignment, LEDs 16 and
17—Door Phone/Lock Control Unit (DDCB)
assignments are defined by this program.
DDCBs can
only be connected to Ports 02
and 03 of the DK8 KSU, or Ports 04 (in the
DK16 Base Key Service Unit) and 12 (in the
DK16 Expansion Unit). After assigning the
DDCB(s), door phone numbers (551 ~ 556
for STRATA DK8 and DK16) will effectively
replace the station number assignment(s) in
Program 04. The door lock option is set via
Program 77-2.
IMDU Modem, LED 14 (for STRATA DK16
only)—Turn LED 14 ON if the optional PIOU
or PIOUS PCB will be equipped for Remote
Maintenance with the IMDU modem subas-
sembly. The IMDU's station number is 619
(unless the access code prefix has been
changed with Program 05).